Reviews for Shadows at Morning
Ceres Wunderkind chapter 2 . 9/10/2003
Very neat. It's tricky trying to fit in with PP's storyline, aspecially as the Great Man can be rather vague when it comes to the passage time.

Good luck!
Ceres Wunderkind chapter 1 . 9/10/2003
Ho-ho. Very post-modern :)

Still, it's going to be fun when the Dynamic Duo bump into PP's characters. Perhaps you could class this as a crossover?
Danny Barefoot chapter 1 . 9/9/2003
Hm, the great thing about fanfiction is you can indulge yourself...this is very clear in the prologue, which is reasonable scenesetting, and does quite a bit to build your original characters. Next chapter highly mysterious, with very good textual detail. This is happening during the book isn't it? And my Aunt comes from Lausanne!