Reviews for The Taming Of Harry Potter
Sasha chapter 14 . 10/1
Your work is amazing I simply can't wait for you to keep on writing! I hope you had a Merry Christmas as well!
sarahsezlove chapter 13 . 4/19
I know this will never be finished, but it was still worth another read.
Bludotz chapter 1 . 8/31/2023
Enjoyed this even though it’s not finished. Had a bit of a giggle at the last authors note saying you hoped the next chapter wouldn’t take 6 years … 11 years later … :D
Guest chapter 3 . 6/2/2023
What Vernon did is surper bad and I love you're story's
Sue chapter 5 . 4/12/2023
Amazing piece of literature having worked with deprived children from the age of 0-16. I found this so life like to what I experienced after my college days had prepared me to look after what I call special children. I've seen many children going through malnutrition and awful cruelty. A child at 9 months not able to sit, crawl and unable to start any of the normal activities a child should be starting to do. I'm astonished at your writing skills, and although you probably wrote this sometime ago I felt the emotional pull on my heart strings as I read through similar experiences of working with children who have not had the love,understanding and kindness that is a part of a child's life. Well done for your great writing and story it was sadness in itself but I have to read on in trepidation thank you
sisi chapter 13 . 3/31/2023
ok, I need this story very much. I need to read about Harry in Snapes castle, in the school, his steps in speaking, how he met any friends, what house is the home and family for him in the Hogwards. I like it. Thanks.
sisi chapter 11 . 3/31/2023
thank for the capt. I like when Albus is no comfortable becouse of Harrys house was no good time. Really, I want to see a good way of taking care by Severus too.
sisi chapter 7 . 3/30/2023
Thats fine. Thanks.
sisi chapter 3 . 3/30/2023
Thank You for the rescue Harries from the dungeon. I like it.
DyingRat chapter 10 . 2/20/2023
Wow, this chapter was awesome! The memories were well written. I've the idea of the memory ribbon as well!
DyingRat chapter 6 . 2/19/2023
OHHHh wow that was adorable! Great chapter :)
DyingRat chapter 5 . 2/19/2023
Ooooh this chapter was both cute and sad! The pudding scene was adorable!
dragonBug27 chapter 14 . 11/4/2022
Another full read through. Just as delightful as ever.
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 14 . 7/18/2022
I hope this is updated! I hope Harry is in Gryffindor when he eventually goes to Hogwarts!
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 13 . 7/18/2022
So what is the date? Will Harry go to Hogwarts soon?
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