Reviews for The Taming Of Harry Potter
Leapyearbaby29 chapter 13 . 7/18/2022
So what is the date? Will Harry go to Hogwarts soon?
Guest chapter 14 . 6/30/2022
I just r3as your comment. It hasn't taken six years for the next chapter to come out, we are now on year seven, hahahaha XD
Erimenthe chapter 14 . 5/14/2022
I do so hope you will update this sometime soon as it is quite a good story so far. I would love to read more and see how things go for Harry and Severus as Harry grows more (or what Severus will have to do if he doesn't).
Guest chapter 14 . 4/5/2022
please update soon it has been awhile now
Vessynessy chapter 14 . 2/3/2022
"Won't take six years to come out."

*Ten years later*

Fuck this is what I hate about fanfic authors lol.
Atropa chapter 2 . 10/24/2021
Hi there!
I must say that this is a quite unusual and interesting story.
I also think it's good you shared some of your thoughts with us.
It's so sad such things sometimes happen in reality.
Thanks for your hard work and your time
Sarcastic Rain chapter 14 . 7/6/2021
Awwwwwww Sevs so sweet. He got his kiddo a guard dog and everything for xmas! Lmaooooo

But on a more serious note I love your story!
Orionne hale potter stilinski chapter 14 . 6/11/2021
J'espère que un jour tu feras une suite
Dr Gero chapter 14 . 5/1/2021
Wow, so glad I found this again! I've been re-reading some old favorites to see how my opinion has changed over the years. I read this a long time ago and it may have been my introduction to the Hurt-Comfort type genre, as it's often called now. I'm sure I've got an old doc copy floating around on a hard drive or CD-R. There were 3 or 4 new chapters and I was happy to reread it. Rough and dark subject matter aside, this is still a well written and sweet story. The Dursleys are arguably cartoonishly evil, but since they are in canon as well that's not really an issue and as we know, there is unfortunately precedent. Empathy written well (via Snape) and seeing Harry's progress is very engaging. Seeing Snape's progress too for that matter. _
Your author notes between the chapters about the real cases and inspirations for Harry's situation always stuck in my mind after looking them up and I ended up studying a few of those cases in college during my Linguistics and Psychology classes. (Those weren't the focus of my studies but since I already had some knowledge of the subject due to your storyinfluence, when the topics came up I was really engaged and able to help lead the student discussion. It also got me interested in first language acquisition, an extremely fascinating subject and something I also studied for computer science.)
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this! It's been hard to find some authors and stories from back when I first started reading fanfiction (FFN was always difficult and it's driven a lot of people away or to remove their work). I'm really happy to find and be able to read your work again.
Best wishes to you in all your future endeavors! 3
Lil Victori chapter 13 . 3/28/2021
sisi chapter 12 . 1/12/2021
I had a nauzea when I readed first capitols here. But now I dream about little boy Harry, who is not able to speak, but who is very good boy as a son for hes mentor, Severus. It was good to had a carneval mask and went for the sweets to the gardens, and what is beautifull, Severus prepered a candle light for remembering Harrys parrents who are death. The time in the werevolfes mask was beautifull for remembering of Lupin. Thanks.
aaapplexxx237 chapter 14 . 11/5/2020
This book is great!
WoNdEr GrAy chapter 14 . 9/30/2020
I love the slow relationship you have built between Harry and Snape. I will be waiting to see when Harry goes to Hogwarts!
Scarletpixiern chapter 14 . 9/19/2020
I am loving this story, so I hope you take some comfort in that. I know how hard it is to get past writer’s block, but I just love this story and will be here when you’re ready!
Smithback chapter 14 . 7/19/2020
so, this is it.. is this it?

I would love to see more of this awesome story, but it has been years.. (and I just found this); so, perhaps this wont be updated ever again...

that's sad

anyway, this was such a great story with huge potencial... I enjoied every word.

I have a question, in the previous chapter, you had just finished book six...

may I know your theoris up to that point?

good luck and thanks for this story..
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