Reviews for The Taming Of Harry Potter
so perfect it hurts chapter 14 . 7/16/2020
I'm really loving where this fic is going. Your depiction of what happened to Harry was horrible but makes for a really engaging story and makes the sweet moments with Severus so much more beautiful. I'm super interested to hear these extra people Harry might meet and I'd really love to see him excell at something obscure like music or something so he can express himself through that.
Thanks for writing! Would love to read more.
Bitter Sweet Lovin chapter 14 . 6/10/2020
“Hopefully it won’t take 6 years to post” HAHA try 8! even if you don’t finish it was still a fun read for me. If you ever do see this... I would love a chapter were Harry and draco meet :)
Norv chapter 14 . 6/2/2020
belle histoire dommage qu'elle s'arrête là
Guest chapter 14 . 3/30/2020
Love it! It is saved so I can read it again and again. But since it is 2020 I have to give a fun and playfull laugh : (and, hopefully, will not take six years to come out).
MistressSnape77 chapter 14 . 3/3/2020
I completely adore this fic. I don't know if you have plans to finish it but, I would definitely read it if you do.
riverrat1 chapter 14 . 3/2/2020
I have been checking on this story over the last 5-6 years but nothing happens. I guess it is time for me to give up and hope there will be more...
tcl7189 chapter 14 . 2/22/2020
Hope RL let's you work on this awesome story sometime. :)
grrr3c chapter 1 . 1/29/2020
A Reader chapter 6 . 1/2/2020
I’m loving your story!I especially enjoy reading from Severus’s point of up the amazing work
time-twilight chapter 13 . 12/7/2019
With the way Harry's personality is I think he would be more suited to Hufflepuff or when he finds out Snape is the head of Slytherin Harry could ask the sorting hat to put him in Slytherin.
Guest chapter 10 . 12/2/2019
This is a really good story.
Magic is like water, if you try to contain it it will find its way out
Darkpool chapter 14 . 11/3/2019
Aww. Harry has come so far!
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2019
It’s funny this fanfic was made 3 months before I was born
rowenasheir chapter 14 . 8/12/2019
A lovely story. Did you continue it elsewhere or is waiting for later? There is no way that his story has been abandoned, I think. If it has, please adopt it out to a good writer like Debsthesanpeslytherin, Elvirakitties or Genuka among others!
time-twilight chapter 14 . 7/3/2019
I can't wait to see what Sirius will be like when he finds out how Harry was treated. What house will Harry be in, I think he should be in Slytherin or Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff because I can't see him being in Gryffindor after all the abuse he went through. Plz update soon.
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