Reviews for Werewolf and Metamorph
1753496 chapter 6 . 7/26/2021
A raccoon in London? Really? Well done ruining the realism, smh.
MynHolmes chapter 17 . 5/26/2021
Wonderful story.. love it. Sweet and sexy.
Good job!
Handers chapter 17 . 5/23/2019
Cool story and some smut, what's not to love?
ImATrooper chapter 17 . 6/23/2018
Great fic! I enjoyed the initial attraction they both had for each other, and especially enjoyed the table incident because it seemed so impulsive and frantic and true to the relationship you've given them. I will say the first few chapters repeated the books a little much for me, but totally understand the setup they did. Thanks for sharing, its been a fun read!
Guest chapter 17 . 2/25/2018
I cannot see how are they going to break up for the 6th book the way you end it. Otherwise it is great.
Lupamannera chapter 17 . 12/27/2017
Wonderful story, highly realistic with a moving flow. I love how you have personalized the characters, giving each a mature/adult angle but staying true to the essential traits that we all know and love. Remus' inner monologue is to die for.

Thank you for this beautiful use of your talents.
Lupamannera chapter 6 . 12/27/2017
"I"m now painfully aware that the reasoning behind my silence was entirely sexist and medieval," he said, laughing nervously.

Great line! Loving this story so far!
Inaya L chapter 17 . 8/18/2017
You just made me want to cry. I hardly resist. I remember so perfectly when I was reading the 5th book and that I needed to read over and over to be sure that JK Rowling really made Sirius died. And how much I cried for him. I think Sirius/Lupin, Harry/Sirius & Harry/Lupin are my favorite relationships, the 3rd & the 5th books my favorites. And you just made a great work writing your fiction. It matchs perfectly with everything in the book and we really can believe everything you write is what really happened to them. So thank you so much for this great story. I'm so sad now, but so happy I found it.

And because i need to say it : I still can't stand Snape. I NEVER WILL. This guy is a selfish egocentric asshole.

And I'm sorry for the mistakes in this review. I'm french & not really bilingual. By the way, you made me laugh with some words ... From sex scenes. I sometimes needed to look for a translation. So thanks to Google to teach me that "thrust" means "fourrer/farcir" in French ... Yeah, like a stuffed turkey. I won't look Tonks the same way any more.
LitEnthused chapter 12 . 11/15/2016
I've read this story before and probably even commented on it but I have to tell you - your conversations with Remus and Sirius are awesome. Just the way I can see two adult males talking.
Nina Dolores chapter 1 . 7/19/2015
LOVVVEE IT! I READ IT TWENTY TIMES OMGGGGGG i love how you write fanfics about other couples! You can make a pecfect Fanfic about james and lily! Please make one about james and lily!
hi chapter 1 . 7/15/2015
Love it! No one writes such great fanfics about other loves! Can you pleeease write one about snape and lily?
XxRemus John LupinxX chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
I'm liking this story
Guest chapter 15 . 10/24/2014
Wow. Incredible chapter. Excellent heightening.
grace.em chapter 17 . 5/9/2014
Nice. I loved this story! :)
grace.em chapter 13 . 5/7/2014
Ooooh kill 'em. Dumbly-door is here to save the day!
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