Reviews for Supernova
RavenLady chapter 2 . 5/26/2005
Very strange, but somehow convincing. This is beautiful and very different and took my breath away. I am speechless.
Vana Tuivana chapter 2 . 3/13/2004
Yes! Fëanor is a supernova, isn't he? Greatest of the Eldar, bright shining flame, and in one great flash of light he is snuffed out, leaving the reverbarations of himself echoing all throughout the universe . . . yes, beautiful work.
Maglor is my absolute favorite. 'Makalaurë, who is a singer and who understands that some things merely *are*, nods and smiles.' Wonderful! And then "How can we be? We never cared for that which we had in the first place." Ah, what a *true* portrayal of his character. I like it a lot.
This is going on my favorite stories list :) Thank you!
Jaded Scorpio chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
That was cool!
Nol chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
Hey, Mithmegil!

Good work. This was really interesting, a study in character without seeming to be so, an articulation of the thoughts of the Feanorians that wasn't arrogant/guilt-ridden/doubt-filled/mindlessly angsty. I particularly loved Maglor quietly saying that about '...knowing the Valar didn't make me to breathe it'. :)

And your style was captivating, too. I think Feanorian fics just beg for experimentation like yours. Very revealing stream-of-consciousness.

Hope to see more of your work. Cheers, Nol.
Nina chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
You're right, that was odd. But I liked it. I liked the interaction between the brothers, and the disconnectedness of it all. They're in a situation where things are falling all around, where they've jumped off the bridge but don't know if it's water or sharp rocks beneath. And so they react as their deeper characters.

You've got a wonderful sense of place and of character. I find myself wishing that you'd done a bit more plot, rather than just a vignette, so that I'd have a chance for more interaction. But that's just me.
Kazaera chapter 1 . 9/21/2003
Beautiful. Just beautiful.

The best line in the entire fic, in my opinion:

It is then, listening to his father’s mechanical breathing in the dark, that Maitimo who will be Maedhros vows never to be broken.

When I read that, I had to stop for five minutes in order to cry. Poor Maitimo.

I don't think Fëanor is uncanonical, really. We hardly know anything about Fëanor except that he was... well... *Fëanor*, and I think this describes his sheer brilliance better than I ever could. The title is extremely fitting.

I'm sorry if this isn't very coherent, I'm still stunned by the sheer beauty of this fic. Brilliant! Please write more!