Reviews for Another Promise
nightwing27 chapter 29 . 4/19/2008
that was good finally keitaro will choose
nightwing27 chapter 28 . 4/19/2008
nice chapter man kietaro got to choose already
GodsFailedCreation chapter 15 . 1/31/2008
you should of keeped the akward stuff in. it makes it funnyer
GodsFailedCreation chapter 2 . 1/27/2008
I don't mean tat this is wrong but, how would a 7 year old girl pay rent?
Warbender chapter 11 . 12/4/2007
And now we have the fecal mater hitting the rotary air impeller device. Naru hits like an A-bomb. Good write on this chappie. you seem to have rebalanced and your story is starting to move forward again.
Warbender chapter 9 . 12/4/2007
Ok... Not a bad sceen write. This chappie does not have the omph of your previous chappies. Something seems lost here. I can't seem to figure what that something is though. I sense an imballance, but I can not seem to see where. Good job though.
Warbender chapter 7 . 12/4/2007
Like it... I see that you are filling the powder keg. and I guess Naru is gonna be the match? Interesting way this plot bunny is hopping. Good job so far.
Warbender chapter 6 . 12/4/2007
Short and to the I sense the calm before the feces hitting the rotary air impeller device. Good job this chappie, and I still like this.
Warbender chapter 4 . 12/4/2007
(ACK! Too many questions from too many directions) I got a good chuckle from this chappie. You have used comedy well. Laughter in the right spots in a story. Is what is used to lighten, or transition emotions for various parts within a plotline. You are pulling it off well. I still like this. good read so far. (I say good job mostly, but when I say good read. That is very high praise comming from me)
Warbender chapter 3 . 12/4/2007
This is good so far... I like this...Is the rest of it as good? Lets find out...
Raxivace chapter 27 . 9/29/2007
Great symbolism in this chapter.
ViceCaptainOmeada chapter 1 . 9/11/2007
this is the best story i have ever read. thank you.
Hourou shunketsu chapter 6 . 8/26/2007
Its defijately inferring that Yakusoku means promise...Motoko loves Keitaro for a logn time but for some unknown reason she hits him...nice...
Hourou shunketsu chapter 5 . 8/26/2007
So Keitaro is perverted in this fic?
Hourou shunketsu chapter 4 . 8/26/2007
How did he get back to Japan by hitting the CN Tower?
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