Reviews for Another Promise
Hourou shunketsu chapter 3 . 8/26/2007
Wonder what Keitaro wants to talk about to Akiko..oh well, i'll find out in the next chapter.
Hourou shunketsu chapter 2 . 8/26/2007
Well I hope Shirai and that other guy (yay accidentally rhyme..I think) dont move in...then everything would go wrong
Hourou shunketsu chapter 1 . 8/26/2007
Ok fine but mostly because it was you Motoko. lol

Uh dont really knwo the plot fo this fic yet so I cant say much.
Motoko chapter 37 . 8/12/2007
Well, it was nice to hear your thoughts about this story anyway though. I've tried for a more emotional tone in the sequel to this story, so if you have enough interest with this to continue onto the next installment, tell me what you think of it!

darkwolf021 chapter 37 . 8/12/2007
to be completely honest...i wasn't very fond of this fic.

not because of any lack of creativity, but because you didn't capture your audience.

each time you start a new chapter, you need to catch your audiences attention agian.

another point, is that from the second half on, you moved very fast without building any emotion in your story at all.

just momentay thoughts.
Comfy Pillow chapter 26 . 8/6/2007
YAYYAYAYAy love this story! Your a good author!
AnimeRulez08 chapter 1 . 2/6/2007
Sugoi! i love your story senpai! _

I, like you, love just how the chemistry of Keitaro and Motoko does make me crazy! Please senpai I beg you to give me some advice in making a fanfic of MotokoxKeitaro, as I can see and read in other motokoxkeitaro fanfics, most of them mention that this fanfic of yours is truely great.. _

Senpai please guide a new fanfic writer like me in making a fanfic of my own.. Onegai..

Anyways, I will fully understand if you don't want to give any advice or such to me. I know that your a busy person, doing too many fanfic of your own..

anywayzz... Arrigatou for the time of reading my review senpai..

lambda123 chapter 37 . 1/24/2007
overall i give it 8/10. it's a good fic but for each chapter IMO they're too short. it will be nice if you make it longer next time on your new fic.
dragonmisc chapter 37 . 9/8/2006
I like it! keep up the good work
Zero-Nightmare chapter 37 . 7/15/2006
Hello Motoko

I' ve read this story, because I didn't got the plot, cause I haven't seen Love Hina

But now that I could, It's awesome!

Where did you get the idea to use the Ruroini Kenshin parts?

Akiko was just too cute!

Great Story my friend
lanti chapter 26 . 5/15/2006
A really good story, I liked how Motoko and Keitaro grew to love eachother in spite of some circumstances. Though Im sorry that Naru ended so bitter towards both of them.

I dont know if Kitsune will have some resent me there too, or will let it pass.

Congrats. I'm thinking of checking the follow up fic.
LHreader chapter 37 . 7/28/2005
Well now the "Forgotten Promise" makes sense. This is one if not the best fan fic i've read. Make a book, make a book. Ask Tokyo Pop anybody just do it. I am positive it will sell like hot cakes. "Another Promise" & "Forgotten Promise" could sell
Tom Valor chapter 36 . 5/8/2005
I have to say that this is one of the best LH fics I have ever read. You certainly have a way of showing a more feminine side of Motoko without destroying her strong warrior nature.

I've never been partial with cross-overs but you've integrated Rurouni Kenshin into this fic quite well.

One thing you have to avoid though, is inserting Author's notes/comments in between narration as it interrupts the flow of the narration. Keep your A/N's to the beginning or end of the fic. Your readers will be mindful enough to let a few mistakes or inconsistencies go by until they scroll to the bottom for explanations.

I'll be starting with the sequel soon enough...

Keep writing!
Motoko chapter 1 . 5/7/2005
Haha, I'm reviewing myself again! Well, I just want to say that I got to agree with Rukrezal about the sakabatou. What I tried to tell Anonymous was that the Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu could be passed down if the person who uses it have a good heart and wish to protect others. I was being misleading by saying the sakabatou cannot kill, my bad
Rukrezal chapter 37 . 5/7/2005
Just a little reminder here Motoko-chan

A sakabatou may have its edge reversed but it is still a blundgeoning weapon. Saying that you can't kill with it is saying you can't kill with a wooden bat and you can kill with a wooden bat. There have been incidents in Japan where kendo practicioners have died from being hit too hard with a shinai (bamboo sword)

He never did so but someone as strong as Kenshin could shatter skulls or break spines with a reverse-edge sword if he wanted to. He could also stab someone dead as his katana still has its point. So needless to say Hiten Mitsurugi can kill with a sakabatou, the whole non-killing thing is really dependent on Kenshin's philosophy not his choice on swords or his technique's philosopy.

Oh Btw, this is a very good romantic story. Keep writing!
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