Reviews for The Joke's On You
Starian Princess chapter 1 . 10/1/2004
Oh, please continue soon! So Tea kissed Kaiba! And how will he react? I sort of got the Obelisk joke but still something's... missing... LOL. Anyways, I still can't wait to see the next chapter. Good luck!
RedMoonKitsune chapter 1 . 9/25/2004
that was one funny story! See I live in FL and we just got hit by Ivan and everythings all crazy here and I just wanted to thank you for brightning up my day! E-mail me plz!
jesusismyhero chapter 1 . 9/18/2004
there is gonna be a second chapter? omgah you have to update if there is... alright?
Guest chapter 1 . 9/3/2004
Huh? I didn't review this yet? *Slaps head* I does want to tell you that this is fantastic. I think Kaiba is just so adorable(not a word commonly used to describe him) in this story!Wow, funny what a little alcohol can do to you. Um, I still don't get the joke, man, for someone who is supposely smart, I can be so damn dense sometimes -_-;. Are you going to update this? You got to continue,you can't leave it like this!
LuvU-LuvAnime chapter 1 . 9/1/2004
OMG! I 'd just found out this story existed, and I'm glad I did. That was too funny! Kaiba's reaction was priceless. I really hope you continue this and continue it soon, please!
iKiohri chapter 1 . 8/29/2004
OMG! This was so cuutte! Mwahahahahhah! Seto Kaiba is so funny in here!Nice one! _ Keep up the good work, gal, cuz ur definitely doin' a nice one! _ Go girl! Please update ASAP! Can't wait to read your next one...Well, that's all for now...

Ja matta ne... Hugs and kisses... mmwahz! _
Scented Feathers chapter 1 . 8/28/2004
Hi,Demon of Hell here. The others are out so it's jus' me. I really loved your story. Personally I can relate to it. Draw your own conclusions. It was really refreashing. I went hysterical when I heard the joke. Final note,I really enjoyed reading it. You brought back some well deserved memories. Thank you and update whenever you like.
Emaraled Ruby chapter 1 . 8/18/2004
Hey continue,I didn't get the joke so I want to find update then,bye_
punkrocker13 chapter 1 . 8/12/2004
That was freakin' hilarious! LMAO! Keep up the good work. _
isis chapter 1 . 8/4/2004

that is such a funny joke...where in the world did you think up such a dirty hularious(sp?) joke. i absolutly love this fanfic its really good write more.

Amarin Rose chapter 1 . 7/20/2004 unusual pairing, especially since you don't see them interact much in the anime, but you made it work. You *are* going to continue with this, right? The A/N still says you are, and I'd definitely like to read more. I fnot, it works well like this.
MaiRose chapter 1 . 7/9/2004
Hi, Anzu if this is you _, I love your story very funny and cute. oh and this is Mai from this years anime convention. I cant wait to read the second chapter.

Your best friend Mai.
Sdrive chapter 1 . 7/6/2004

Power to the Hikari's
Cate chapter 1 . 7/1/2004
Ha ha ha ha! Well I don't think anybody will ever look at an obelisk the same way again. . .He he he. Anzu got Seto to blush! Please continue this, it's freaking hilarious.
death is only a phase chapter 1 . 6/28/2004
danm it when r u goinh to update
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