Reviews for Orphan's Run
QueenofConnaught chapter 1 . 1/6/2004
This is good...update soon...
avri chapter 6 . 12/22/2003
avri chapter 2 . 12/22/2003
this is so far a good story, without many mistakes, but they're slightly too calm about the theft of the Dominion Jewel.
destiny-ruler chapter 5 . 11/27/2003
oh BrilliantCresentStar, this is one of your 'so-called-friends, writing you a review. *Huge grins*

I would REview more often but Work is long and hellish this close to christmas. As it is I am up and 12:56 according to the computer just to write to you. LOL. Anyway, another brilliant chappy, I love the way that you can put words together and make everything sound 'right'. Anyhoo, gotta go ta bed, enjoy the hol's and write well.

QueenofConnaught chapter 5 . 11/26/2003
That was really good. I like where this is going, and I hope you continue and update ASAP. I really like it...if you feel like it, read my fics, (because everyone loves reviews)and tell me what you think...I really value your opinion... So update as soon as you can, I can't wait to see what happends next...OR ELSE! (j.k)
Kementari21 chapter 3 . 11/9/2003
This story just keeps getting better and better!i'm glad you got rid of that 'my title sucks' stuff n glad it had some good results. Now all you have to do is get rid of the part where you say 'DO NOT read my other story, it sucks' in the first chapter. People wouldn't be reviewing it if they hated it, let them make up their own minds. Fantastic chapter, this Author alert thingy is really useful. i would say update soon, but ive still got another chapter to read.
Kayden Eidyak chapter 4 . 10/30/2003
No, it's a good story. Of course I'll review. I don't mind at all. Nothing better to do at one in the morning but review one of my most dedicated reviewer's story. I'd say more but it is one and I am tired. If you have any form of instant messenger maybe we can chat sometime. That would be fun. I talk to someone else in Australia. Mostly on the weekends though because of the time difference. She's 15 hours ahead of me. Update soon!
Kayden Eidyak chapter 3 . 10/21/2003
And for the third bloody time I'm going to try to reveiw. Problem is I can't remember what I was going to say. And of course I reviewed. I really am a nice person in real life. I only like to torture my characters and that's a direct result of Terry Goodkind so you can't blame me. And I'm not THAT good of a writer, really. Anyhoo, really nifty chapter. I looking forward to finding out how Raine ties in with all this. Oh, and you left the 'e' out of Amei's name a couple times FYI.
Lady Myranel chapter 3 . 10/21/2003
ooh, very interesting. Hawaiian shirts: when guys wear them, hot, very hot. when your economics teacher wears one, so, so not. you know, I'd never heard anyone talking about a muck up day before, so thanks for clarifying. I hate my orthodontist. um, anyway, update soon. good story!
ElspethElf chapter 2 . 10/18/2003
That was a good chapter. I like how you switch from one character to another.

Please write the next bit soon
Kayden Eidyak chapter 2 . 10/16/2003
Hehehe. Funfunfun. Now I was going to say something but I forget now. You misspelled Scanra, by the way. Did you know that? Somewhere up there. Can't remember where. I've got a wonderful headache and I should go to bed before I pass out. Keep writing!
Kayden Eidyak chapter 1 . 10/16/2003
*Kayden peeks around corner* Hey, look at this. I'm reading something. How odd. Yes well, I've appreciated your reviews so much that I thought I ought to see what you've got. So anyhoo, lovely chapter. Amei and Sheiya sound very interesting and I an looking forward to seeing what Amei plans on doing with the Jewel.
Nefertity chapter 2 . 10/16/2003
Uh-huh, I really liked that. Love the way you're writing is so down-to-earth. More?

Thanks for the review to TORTALLAN FIRE. Sorry I havent updated but that'll happen tonight. Loved your review since it was constructive and has helped me. Thanks again and update this fic soon!

Kementari21 chapter 1 . 10/14/2003
I love it Melissa, it was really well written. But don't put your self down so much, have confidence in your writing, it really is rather good. Hm looking forward to the next chapter. REALLY don't like that Shang though, fighting a girl who is nearly dead on her feet. I hope Mouse kills her in the last chapter. Suggest you get rid of the My summary and title sux thing though. They both are good n if people think you can't write a good summary because you say you can't then why would they want to read your fic? Trust me, get rid of that negative stuff. UPDATE SOON!
ElspethElf chapter 1 . 10/9/2003
Hey! I really really enjoyed this! I thought it was great! Please continue!
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