Reviews for Pact
Maran Zelde chapter 5 . 6/12/2004
Nice descriptions; I almost felt like I was there. But I wonder why Dib has *those* kinds of painkillers? Very strange...
Celestial Star Mali chapter 5 . 6/11/2004
O_O This story rocks. You've mastered everyone's personalities so well. More soon.
Rinny Z chapter 5 . 6/11/2004
NYEH. Lovely. Wonderful. Poor Dib... he really has it hard... good job on this chapter!

Update soon. Because updating makes the world go round.. O_O
jenna chapter 5 . 6/11/2004
this is some good stuff. seriously. I'm horribly impressed and waiting anxiously for the next chapter. I think this is the most IC fic I've read.
Again you know who. Or so I would think chapter 4 . 6/7/2004
Unfortunately this beta reader didn't get to read this one before you posted (and get the smug feeling along with it- ehe). Darn moving. Anyway... you're very good at imagery, y'know. A very good fight scene, although I'm sure I didn't fully appreciate it, since it's kind of late here. I do love these little cliff-hangers you do. And I like Zim's essentially sadistic nature showing through, mixed in with a little humor (Dib-worm, and where he allowed himself a pause to wonder why the nurse hadn't shown up yet. Hehe, I loved that part, for some reason). Oh, I needn't list everything, you know I love your writing.
neosun7 chapter 4 . 5/25/2004
Wow. I'm speechless, just... wow.
This is a very well thought out and described story! I love it! I felt so sorry for Dib and almost cried at the beating he'd taken, but I can't help but cheer a little for Zim as well. I eagerly await the next chapter of this story!
Nondescript chapter 4 . 5/24/2004
This is a well written fic. Good format, sentance structure, vocabulary, plot ... and I could go on. I look forward to your next chapter. Good job!
Maran Zelde chapter 4 . 5/21/2004
Wow, excellent chapter. Finally, stuff happens. It's strange that the only one Dib stands up to is Zim (unless someone says he has a big head, that is). I felt a lot of sympathy for him in this chapter. I really rooted for him and found myself thinking things like, "Go for the eyes, Dib!" Hehe. It's pretty sick that Zim finds the smell of Dib's blood appetizing. Actually, I doubt he would be able to consume blood, since it would probably have the same affect as water on him. Anyway, continue!
Lady Tsuru chapter 4 . 5/20/2004
Ooh, a lot of action in this chapter! I like it! Keep on updating, and I'll keep on reading. _
flying metal child chapter 4 . 5/20/2004
Absolutely *the* best fight scene ever in IZ fandom! Some fights just drag on and on, but I really wished Zim and Dib had beaten the crap out of each other a lot more-sadistic, yes-but wonderful to read! _
Ashsema chapter 4 . 5/19/2004
Greetings Senri, INCREADABLY INTENSE! You write action with an amazing flow. Wonderful! I luv this chapter. It kept me on the edge of my seat. I cringed for Dib, and a bit for Zim. I cannot wait to see where this goes. (I hope the finished May 19, 2004 doesn’t mean this is over. It better not, there is still so much to be told.) Anxiously awaiting your next installment, - Ashsema
Ashsema chapter 3 . 5/19/2004
Greetings Senri, Imagine my embarrassment when I went to review chapter four only to realize I forgot to review chapter three, er, 2. Well, I reread chapter 2 (before chapter 4, er, 3) and here is the long overdue review for chapter (chapter 2) three, eh, or whatever;
Games end and the real fight is on. Scary, especially for Dib. The weight of the world is definitely on Earth’s only (and sadly misunderstood) hero. Hm, I wonder how Dib will handle it? At least his laptop gave him a good start. Exciting! Now, Onward To ‘Picking up the Gauntlet.’ - Ashsema
Sholio chapter 3 . 5/10/2004
Finally remembered there was a new chapter! ;; You do a really good Zim POV; he's in character and yet a little more complex than he usually was in the series. The part where he's homesick for Irk was especially good.
neosun7 chapter 3 . 4/29/2004
It's still my favorite Zim fic! Man, Zim's sure gonna have a head ache! I hope you will update soon! I love this story!
Keldan chapter 3 . 4/27/2004
I considered using "Mighty Beta Reader" as my name, but... I decided that would sound arrogant. Hehe.
But anyway, you already know that I think you're a wonderful writer and that I love your subtle use of cliffhangers (which I'm sure frustrate those who don't get to read the next part before it's posted). And I like the subtle humor, too. (The bit about the titanium laptop is my favorite part of this chapter, I must admit.) But you know I'm a comedy type.
So. Keep on writing, although I know you haven't much time. Can't disappoint your adoring readers!
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