Reviews for It ends here
Rabid Tanuki chapter 1 . 12/23/2003
Even though I've never played the game Kingdom Hearts, don't care to ever play the game Kingdom Hearts, and think it's a dull game in general, I like your writing style! Keep it up, and write something shonen-ai! :3 Check word use/spelling before you submit, too... and you might wanna get a beta reader. _ It's still really good, but it could be even better with shonen-ai! *nod* That would be the only reason I read KH fics at all... shonen-ai. *nod nod* Shonen-ai... *passes out*
The Fan chapter 6 . 10/30/2003
NOO! Riku! We love you! COME BACK! *cough* yeah... great story, please continue.
the evil one from your school chapter 1 . 10/28/2003
heyhey ladylita... or should i say angie... hehe i found you! and you're not going to get my fanfiction or fictionpress name yeah this is becca and yes i am good like that!
RikuNghts chapter 5 . 10/27/2003
ohh... POOR RIKU! I like this story alot! Can't wait to read more!
The Fan chapter 1 . 10/10/2003
w0w, this is really good. I love Riku, it's awesome that some one decided to write a fic about him. _ Please continue, I would like to know what happens! (Btw, I've beaten the game... when I say "what happens" I mean in your story.)
RikuNghts chapter 1 . 10/9/2003
Ohh! I liked it. Poor Riku, so confused. ::sniffles:: great job at the portrayal of his thoughts!