Reviews for Lessons
Retired Kitkat chapter 10 . 8/24/2022
Oh My GOD! I'm so very happy that you've kept this fic online, even if incomplete. I just have to tell you that it was a very enjoyable read and that if you ever, ever decide to come back, I'll be right here to read it. Thank you so much for sharing!
I hope this message finds you well and happy.
Many hugs.
KagLover684 chapter 10 . 4/14/2021
Noooooo! This can't be the end of it. Oh gosh, please.
Prisca chapter 10 . 1/6/2021
Your readers awaits ::winks::
madmiko chapter 8 . 8/20/2019
Just so you know, this is the third or fourth time I have read this story over the course of a couple of weeks. It's everything I love in a Miroku/Kagome story. Your wit and humor really make it shine. "You forgot stinky-butt." "It was implied." Brilliant! And "So, anyway, a funny thing happened on the way back from the well." Love the way Miroku faced off with Kouga, but I am definitely feeling for Kagome being ambushed like that.
madmiko chapter 7 . 8/12/2019
This was an amazing chapter! The fight between Miroku and Inuyasha was so well-written. Bravo! And Inuyasha got to come out of the whole thing looking like he had some sense and intelligence. "Look out, Miroku! I'm coming to kill you!" I died laughing when I read that part. The male bonding time in the shed was excellent, too. Inuyasha telling him that no one can screw up a plan like Kagome was pure gold. I can't wait to see Kagome's reaction to their fight and the decisions they made regarding her. She just might have something to say about it.
madmiko chapter 6 . 8/12/2019
Time to face the music and pay the piper, Miroku. I really love the way you've written all of this from Miroku's POV, and we've seen how his feelings have grown, but he's still assuming certain things about Kagome's feelings. I'm going to hate seeing him take his lumps in the next chapter.
madmiko chapter 5 . 8/12/2019
Miroku's humor about the bandits "pestering" the countryside, and his lamentations that he wished Kagome were there because Sango and Inuyasha just didn't get it sum up my feelings exactly. This whole story is pure genius.
madmiko chapter 4 . 8/12/2019
Your talent for dialogue knows no bounds. Every comment and conversation is just right.
madmiko chapter 3 . 8/12/2019
I absolutely adore Miroku and Kagome's banter! I've always thought they suited each other much better than the canon pairings. Your writing makes me smile!
madmiko chapter 2 . 8/12/2019
You have Miroku's character down so perfectly in this. His thoughts and the way he speaks-it all just flows so smoothly.
madmiko chapter 1 . 8/12/2019
I read this many years ago, and I still love it every bit as much today.
s.tohru.89 chapter 10 . 12/30/2018
God I remember reading this an eternity ago. I almost thought I hallucinated this story, i’m so happy i found it again and could enjoys the laughs. Its very well written, funny and i really enjoy the Mirokags pairing. I’m sad to see that it looks essentially abandoned, but such is life. A myriad of things could have happened to keep you from writing, and i hope you are doing well. In the meantime, I’ll keep this story on my favorite and follows list incase you do come back!
Inu-nih-chan chapter 10 . 7/13/2018
I loved
Phishouttawatta chapter 2 . 8/7/2017
yeah, you put her in her place, monk! I like that you made sure he confirmed she knew what she was doing. I feel like as lecherous as miroku is, he really is a great guy!
tomorrow4eva chapter 10 . 6/4/2016
You had me crying with "You were supposed to marry her first daughter, little Suzumi." Oh dear, that bit was so funny. I enjoyed the story very much.
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