Reviews for The Visible Invisible
Amanda chapter 43 . 11/6/2004
Don't think that this was too long...I just read it in a few days, first off, I love long stories...I'd rather the story never end, but I know that all good things come to a close. And this, is certainly a very good thing. Great story, I was enomored with it from the very first chapter. The complexity of the story, the characters, the relationships, it is amazing. I love, love, love this story and I can't wait to read the end and your other stories! So, hooray to you for a great story. And remember, it wasn't too long, at least not for me! I love every bit of it!
ME chapter 43 . 11/6/2004
You are not dragging this story on. As long as you stop before D G have kids you will be fine.'

I love the story by the way.

Your devoter reader.

Pii Rainwalker chapter 43 . 11/5/2004
i've very much enjoyed this story and i'll b very sad wen it ends. would like a little bit more romance, but thats becasue im a hopeless, sappy romantic! LOL Keep going, i look forward to the next installment
Damia - Queen of the Gypsi's chapter 43 . 11/3/2004
Mind if I borrow that corner? I think I'm gonna cry that it's almost over as well. It's not frustrating, and I can't beleive that it will only take one more chapter to wrap it all up. That just doesn't seem possible to me. Two? Maybe. Three? Definitely likely, but one? No.

Pilgrims badge is cool. I like it, but this one is amazing and so far into it!

Please don't just end it for the sake of ending it. You owe it to this impressive story you have written to give it a good ending.

Now watch, you're going to give it a really good ending in one chapter and leaving me looking like an idiot. Go Damia! Write more soon.

- Damia -
missa chapter 43 . 11/2/2004
what about zasha (people's defender) gregorvich for the russian? your hard work on this chap. paid off. very sad that it'll be ending soon. looking forward to the next bit... yeah d/g!
vaccumm chapter 36 . 11/2/2004
Lana Wood chapter 43 . 11/1/2004
Oh no! Next chapeter's the last? Dern it! Well, just for the record, I love this story, and I'm sure you'll wrap it up nicely. Thanks for doing such a great job writing it!
cybErdrAgOn chapter 43 . 11/1/2004
This has been a most excellent story, though not with the deep personality development or political intrigue that I love to bask in. Your dialogue, though, is amazingly well-written, and I hope to see more of your writing soon.
Jade Summers chapter 43 . 11/1/2004
Bad, Bad Draco. I know the look your favorite red head had when her hopes and dreams where shattered was enough to melt that Grinch-like heart of yours, because I'm all for Ginny, mah sista, to stop that act, and *I* felt bad. I'd whap you, really, But then you'd probably jinx me. Damn squib *Is now alking to herself, so she needs to stop this review* That was a great chapter, and it was deifintly worth the wait! Update As soon as you can!

P.S The Pilgrims Badge is very awesome, I just don't feel like reviewing it at the moment. I'll get to it, promise!

Always Sleepless in my Seattle-Jade Summers
Aly chapter 43 . 11/1/2004
GAH! I SO need the next chapter! Only one chaptr left sad!
Aly chapter 33 . 11/1/2004
I thought it might have been Neville, but I never thought anyone would make him evil! Gah!
Aly chapter 31 . 11/1/2004
Nevermind, I got to read two short chapters. Hope Ginny's ok!
Aly chapter 29 . 11/1/2004
Freaky! I love this story though that I can't stop reading. Sadly though I have to. :)
elvengirl9 chapter 43 . 11/1/2004
Don't worry, the only way you're frustrating me is with not enough posts. I can't wait to see the end! And I'll definitely keep watching Pilgrim's Badge.
vergeenyuh chapter 43 . 10/31/2004
Aw. Psh its been draggin for so long? Thats a bunch of bollocks, in my view I wish there was more than a chappie left :( Gawsh I'm gonna miss it. Well I loved the chappie, and I cant wait to see how thye make up if they do in the end. w00t
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