Reviews for The Visible Invisible
Jedi Knight Bus chapter 2 . 1/18/2005
hey well great job...rush rush no time have to go great story
Megate Amber chapter 44 . 1/4/2005
*cries* ...your not going to make a sequel? O.O; aw thats not fair!

Great Story! I really loved it!
AnythingGoes233 chapter 44 . 12/31/2004
I just read through this entire story in two days, and I must say, wow. I loved it. It's a wonderful story that has character depth and a doof plot. Just one thing though, why Neville? He was so sweet.. But you're story is wonderful and I look forward to reading more that you write.
Lady Adrastea chapter 44 . 12/18/2004
That's an Incredible, a Great, an ... I can find words to describe it, only I totaly Adore it. That's what I call 'A Story' with a major 'S'. There is a plot and you can't leave it before you finish it. Good job and I really hope to read other story from you again.
GoldenFawkes chapter 44 . 12/15/2004
"Parting is such sweet sorrow". And I truly feel that way right now. Happy because I loved the ending, but upset because it's over! You've done a terrific job; I honestly can say that this is one of the best fan-fictions that I've ever read.
potatomaker chapter 44 . 12/8/2004
I had been in a bit of a fanfic draught when I came across your story, but my god. I couldn't stop reading it when I found it. I think that the last chapter was great. It's unnatural to expect some grand declaration of love these characters because thats not who they are. I think you wrote that scene perfectly. The character arcs over the story were great. You could feel for Ginny but at the same time be pissed at her but also confused about what was going on in her head.

The writing was wonderful too. It's easy to get caught up in your ideas and reveal everything right away or to say instead of show what the characters feel, but you showed great restraint I think in letting the characters take their time and work things out.

My only complaint would be that we don't get to find out what happens after all this but that's the way it always is when you find characters you love and a story that really captures your imagination.

*sigh* now i'll have to find something else to read. good luck with your future work
LifeIsOrange chapter 44 . 12/7/2004
BRAVISSIMO! That was fantastico! The ending was perfect. I'm not a big fluffer, AND I love stories that break out of the "Hasppily Ever After" box! Muchas gracias para la cuenta hermosa. Sorry, doin Spanish homework. Good job!
VidelKM chapter 44 . 12/5/2004
I just read this story from beginning to end for seven hours straight, literally. This story has sent me on a wild rollercoaster ride of emotions. Overall, I am quite pleased with how you have written it. (I actually guessed that it was Neville after Hermoine said something like, "Why didn't you tell us?") However, I am not satisfied with the ending, which is why I expected a sequel to erupt. You did not exactly go into detail on the outcome of Evil Neville. Even though you got through the basis of the main storyline, you left one door open. I'm not sure if that's intentional, with you implying that poor Neville is going down, but with a sequel, or another few chapters, it can really put an end to this story. I hope you do not find this comment as a flame, because it most certainly is not. Just think of me as standing in a field of happiness, one step away from pure ecstasy.
ShamelessFinnigan chapter 44 . 12/1/2004
Oh, i'm so happy! brilliant ending! yayayayayayayay! write another story! now! not a sequel though, nothing could follow such brilliance! write, write, write! thanks! brilliant! yay!
anoynmous chapter 2 . 11/28/2004
I like the story so far and I am interested in politics by the way. Please continue writing stories, even though you're finshed this.
GwendolynWrites chapter 44 . 11/28/2004
That is an amazing story. I love it. Are you going to continue writting? Please do.

waiting anxiously,

lifeisgood chapter 44 . 11/24/2004
That was an awesome ending to an awesome story! Thank you so much for writing it.
Damia - Queen of the Gypsi's chapter 44 . 11/24/2004
I think the ending of the chapter was perfect. It fit the two of them perfectly, if you had made it fluffy I would have been severly disappointed in you. Write more soon.

- Damia -
Amanda chapter 44 . 11/20/2004
Fantastic story! Great ending, I like it a little open ended like you said you are better at writing, leaves a little for my imagination! Great job! Awesome story!
Lana Wood chapter 44 . 11/20/2004
Hey, I think your ending is great! It's better to not end with a bunch of fluff, and leave the rest up to the reader to imagine. You're a great writer, and I look forward to reading more G/D stories by you!
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