Reviews for Inuki
nekochan.cruz chapter 2 . 8/11
Ah, so it's been 7 years since I last read through Inuki and oh, about 19 years? Since you last updated. Of all of the unfinished fanfic that I've read and longed for a completion too, this is my number one. I love this story. I love the idea of tragedy striking are beloved group but hope being literally reborn within a reincarnation of Inuyasha. I love the idea that Inuyasha and kagome find each other again and again. I still have so many questions... And I've accepted that I'll probably never get answers to those questions, but the story just has such a dear place in my heart
nekochan.cruz chapter 22 . 8/24/2017
Okay, so... it's only been about 12 years since you last updated... LOL that's not TOO long... right? Anyway, Inuki has been on my mind recently and I ended up re-reading. Such a great premise! Such a great execution! But I'm guessing you've long moved on from the InuYasha fandom, so I'm guessing there's no hope that you'll be finishing this story. Any chance that you would at least outline where you were going to have the plot go from here? Was InuYasha's personality going to reemerge from the Shikon no Tama? Is the "Master" that Sadako wants to bring back Naraku? So... many... questions!
nekochan.cruz chapter 1 . 4/18/2015
i really MISS this story.. I've been out of the Inuyasha "fandom" for years, but I am always a fan... and a fan of this story. I hope one day, you'll revisit this and bring it to a proper conclusion. :)
Guest chapter 22 . 10/5/2014
Can't u at least put a chapter where inuyasha gets resurrected. I'm reading the other reviews and I'm looking forward to it.
Guest chapter 22 . 10/3/2014
Based on the reviews I keep reading u haven't finished writhing ur story yet. Please please update!
Guest chapter 22 . 9/26/2014
Ugh why haven't u updated? This is story is so good! :((((((( :'(
Guest chapter 22 . 9/22/2014
Could u please pretty please update. This story is really good. Why is it that all the good stories have no update?!
Clarissa chapter 22 . 1/12/2011
im so dissappointed in you its been years and the story i was falling in love with is still incomplete i hope you come on and read this and start writing again
monkeypixie9 chapter 22 . 7/22/2010
uz needz to update!
Maggie chapter 22 . 7/14/2010
AH, yhis is so good...update or I will use the Kaze no Kizu on YOU!
puppygirl1224 chapter 22 . 3/31/2009
this is sweet story.I was really hoping that the situtation would be inuyasha having dufficulty, inuyasha being brought from the dead.i was like yeah then no!good story though there isn't inuyasha's back from the dead sorta thing...o
Kokoro-and-Rei chapter 22 . 11/14/2007
I think my favorite thing about this fanfiction is how it made me think. I have never been a fan of Kikyo, because of how much I adore the Kag/Inu pairing. I greatly disliked the way Inuyasha remembered their love, and how his feelings for her lingered. Yet here you've set us up with such a likable guy, and yet, Inuyasha is still in our minds. And as much as we'd love to see Kagome happy, it's strange to think that she won't be with Inuyasha. So in a sense, the roles have been switched. Inuyasha is Kikyo, Inuki is Kagome. and Kagome herself is the one torn. I love it!

Your use of words, the way you write, it's all perfect. I must say I've been a strong, loyal follower of this fic. And that's been for nearly five years! Update eventually, I'm begging! :(

If you ever do, you'll for sure have one eager reviewer left.
kumikonhan chapter 7 . 7/29/2007
omg!i love it!
X-Tears-Of-Revenge-X chapter 22 . 4/18/2007
Heyy! Love the chapter! I like how you made Inuki's sleeping scenes :)

I feel bad that Inuyasha died tho..-sniffle- it made me depressed when i was reading the chapter with his death in it -is kinda wishing that he comes back to life- .

But eather way, its a great story and i love the plot:) Hurry with the next chapter please! .~

xox Tears
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