Reviews for The Body Snatcher
ninamonkey chapter 3 . 1/5/2002
I can't tell you how good this fic is-but then, I've been a "secret" fan of yours for a while. Everything is perfect-the treatment of the subject matter, Magneto's feelings in it, his relationship with the X-Men...all of it makes for one of the best "amateur" X-novels out there (and I only use "amateur" lightly, because I think you should be paid for this, somewhere). Even Storm, my favorite, was treated with all the respect and dignity she deserves-with a hint of humor. Thank you, Alara, for this fic (even if it did give me a few nightmares-!). Please finish soon.

Jean1 chapter 3 . 1/4/2002
Having seen this back when you started it, I've been hoping you'd get around to doing more. First because it's just well written, but more because the senerio with Magneto trapped in a mostly "weak" female body - possibly forever (though you'll really impress me if you did make it forever) has so many possibilities - especially for this character who thrives on being powerful. I've been waiting to get to the next chapters as that's where my interest lies ever since the first one was put up. While thorough and setting up the premise, I've never been a big fan of the "let's rape and torture our hero to rebuild him" stories (well, unless someone was willing to do a Wolverine one just because no one seems to believe it could happen) because it always *seems* to be to the excess for overly dramatic purposes (I do think this could have worked just as well with the transfer and kidnapping alone...); however, I love your creative and unique villain(ess - it's a woman and her power is very creative - thank goodness for something really original) so much that her being a completely heartless, brutal, and disturbed individual makes it worthwhile especially in conjunction with the appeal of Magneto having to deal with his transformation. I also appreachiate the thoughtful use of the X-Men in the story as they are generally kept "in character" and intelligent with their unique powers and skills being used which makes it a very well rounded story with good supporting characters. I admit to also being curious as to why he can't use her power on others while in her body, but beyond that it's been very self-explanatory. Do continue please as it only seems to be getting better and better with each new chapter.
Dragonelf chapter 1 . 9/1/2001
This is a very well written story, so when does part 3 come.
Kushami chapter 2 . 7/13/2001
Must... know... what... happens. *dies*
Robin4 chapter 2 . 4/23/2001
Please write more!
Kate Exsanguinater Gray chapter 1 . 12/31/2000
I loved it. It was just as good a part 1. I hope you write part 3. Magneto and Lisa Davis still have A LOT of unfinished business.
Kate Exsanguinater Gray chapter 1 . 12/31/2000
Very disturbing material, but very well written.
GAT chapter 1 . 11/26/2000
Im waiting for the 3rd chapter now...this is really great.
Amothea chapter 1 . 9/22/2000
Wonderful writing and wonderful story. I can't wait for the third part to come out. This is the best X-Men fan fiction I'd ever read.
heratio chapter 1 . 8/2/2000
...dude..., psycologically sick.
April chapter 1 . 7/8/2000
Again, wow! Very well written. Dark, but necessarily so. Just sorry it has taken me this long to leave feedback about it. Looking forward to the third installment of this wonderful epic!
Alara Rogers chapter 1 . 6/9/2000
Not a review (since it's from me, and that would be cheesy), but a brief explanatory note: it will be revealed why it is that Erik can't use the body snatcher's powers, but since so far he hasn't had any opportunity to have powers testing in any more depth than "I tried this but it doesn't seem to work", we'll have to wait till the third chapter to see it.
Serendipity chapter 1 . 4/23/2000
Very good. The explicit rape and torture scenes bother me a lot, but they serve to enhance the storyline. The story itself is very good, with a well-written Magneto and a well-written evil witch. I like the concept of a totally powerless Magneto. A question, though; if Magneto is in the body of the body snatcher, and the body snatcher has Magnetos' powers, doesn't that mean Magneto has the body snatcher's powers in return? So, couldn't he just use the woman's power to swap bodies and get his own back? If he can't, why not?
Saggit chapter 1 . 4/11/2000
I liked this novella when the first two parts were available on the author's Magneto website (which, thank the gods, is once again up and running actively). What's missing is any sense in which Erik uses his nonpower-based skills to benefit; but then, this is still a ways away from completion. Hopefully part 3 will be out soon.
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