Reviews for Backwards Compatible |
RoBrCh chapter 18 . 6/29/2024 You do very well at moving the story forward, at a good pace to keep the reader engaged. And it was my impression that you have outlined the rest of the story. Which together makes it all the more frustrating that the story stops here. Please keep writing, and I hope you finish the story. |
JKR chapter 14 . 5/30/2024 I'm officially done. This story has pushed me past the point of tolerance. I hate triads, I loathe the concept and actions of friends with benefits, I resent the idea of casual sex. I wish Harmony never fucking happened in this story. I don't like Harry and Hermione together in this story. Hermione could do so much better than being with someone like Harry and the way he's characterized in this story. This is definitely crack fic. The possible relationship between Harry, Luna and Hermione is revolting. Just horrible. To treat a relationship with someone you allegedly care about so callously is disgusting. Inviting a third or fourth party into that relationship is despicable. Hermione has been on the recieving end of several gross injustices done to her character. The first was writing her as if she doesn't deserve someone who loves her wholeheartedly and completely with monogamistic devotion. The second was reducing her intellectual abilities, emotional resilience, and magical and physical capabilities that turn her into nothing more than a pathetic plot device than the amazing and incredible heroine she was meant to be. The third was allowing Ron of all people to openly call Hermione stupid when Hermione has been right about so many things previously. This whole fic is ruined or negatively overcast by the outrageously poor characterisation of Hermione freaking Granger. And Harry is a freaking asshole. After the way he had behaved I don't care what sort of lame excuses he uses about his past childhood, and future trauma which hasn't even yet occurred to justify his actions, trauma can fundamental alter the way a brain develops and humans behave but that doesn't automatically make it okay to carry out epic acts of violence, bullying and walking all over other people. I wouldn't want to be anywhere near Harry and his cult like followers. Emotional blackmail and gaslighting works wonders doesn't it to manipulate a bunch of ignorant yet somewhat empathetic individuals? I'm sure cult leaders try the same tactics Harry uses- cult leaders, politicians, business men, drug dealers, narcissists and sociopaths. I resent the day I see Harry freaking Potter resorting to bullying tactics and openly getting away with it to walk all over one of the strongest characters in the Harry Potter universe. I don't want Hermione to end up with Harry. I think Hermione should maybe date Terry Boot or someone else who is much less obnoxious and less apathetic to moral and social boundaries. This fic is utterly depressing. There's nothing romantic about Harry or Hermione's relationship at all. There's nothing delightful about a relationship of convenience or where your feelings are stronger than the person who claims to reciprocate those feelings. Awful. Deplorable. Contemptible. For anybody who claims to be a true Harmony shipper this fic is utterly demoralising, not including those who think polyamory is actually an acceptable way to live. I've seen it destroy entire families- children left neglected and angry by selfish and stupid parents who weren't fully aware of the sacrifices that need to be made when raising a child, having a family, or getting married and choosing to commit to somebody else for the rest of their lives. Harry is not much better than the death eaters he wants to eliminate. In fact, in some ways, he's worse. He's in denial, he's completely cold and callous, not to mention openly antagonistic, - physical affection is nothing when there's a lack of emotional and mental connection, to somebody he claims to love. It's disgusting. It's one of the worst kinds of mind games telling somebody you love them and then doing something you know will deliberately hurt them. That's pure evil and it's why victims of abuse develop Stockholm Syndrome, it's another unnecessary evil making somebody fall in love with their abuser. Hermione is left feeling like she has no other choice but to accept Harry's statements and feelings towards Luna because she might end up losing him as well. Especially when you consider the fact that Hermione loudly announced to everyone in the great hall that Ron broke up with her. She nearly lost one friend. Now she has to accept Harry's sexual interest and relations with Luna because she might lose her only other close male friend and nobody else, with the exception of Malfoy's derogatory sexual interest, has shown any sort of romantic interest in Hermione. I want to see a cold and ruthless Hermione who plays both sides (the light and dark) and set things in motion whilst she watches idiots on both sides destroy each other. I want Hermione to orchestrate a revolution, a new order, I want Hermione to develop nerves of steel and whip everybody else into shape because they are all sorely lacking as far as I'm concerned. I think I'd like to read a story where Hermione ends up with none of the usual suspects (not Harry and not Ron.) It's hardly comforting or reassuring when both your male best friends are reluctant to enter a romantic relationship with you and a sexual relationship with your arch enemy will only lead to exploitation, degradation and most likely public humiliation. Hermione deserves better than to be with people who only want to use her, or can't make up their minds about their own goddamned feelings for her. I'd like to say the majority of people deserve someone who will love them above all others, someone who will love them and only them, completely and utterly, someone who's loyalty and friendship you can always rely and depend upon. Harry freaking Potter has already shown he has little concern or regard for Hermione's feelings, he doesn't truly respect her as a friend or as an equal, additionally he has shown that he is disloyal and completely and utterly unreliable. Partnerships should be built on mutual trust, respect, unequivocal support, boundaries, equal contribution (although where opposites attract they may be able to make large contributions to the relationship- just in very different ways.) All of this is made worse when you consider Hermione has been reduced to nothing more than a melodramatic, whiny, wimpy, immature teenage girl. I'm so disappointed in this fic. |
JKR chapter 12 . 5/30/2024 This seems like an anti- Hermione, anti- Harmony fic. I have no idea why it was labelled as such but the tags seem greviously misleading. So far, this fic has just shown all the ways that Harry and Hermione are wrong for each other. I am normally a quite enthusiastic Harmony shipper, but honestly, I'm beginning to wish she'd seriously consider someone else as a suitable romantic interest. Not Ron necessarily, maybe Neville, literally anybody else other than Harry. Neville has been kind and tolerant of Hermione, his interest hasn't registered much above friendship, but I always thought those two had potential to be quite interesting together. Harry is little different than Malfoy. He took away Hermione's consent when he automatically transfigured her clothes without fully considering her feelings about the whole situation, next he became quite insistent that she takes a bath with him, followed by little more than a complete rejection of her advances which resulted in sending her awfully mixed signals. In a way the great Mary Sue version (a jumped up, extraordinarily magically enhanced version) of Harry Potter was also playing with her mind and her body. Harry, then proceeds to act in an overly intimate way with Luna- someone who Harry was just supposed to be friends with. If Harry wants to date Luna that's fine but he should stop stringing Hermione along and pretending, or making grand acclamations about his feelings for her. Hermione has never deserved that no matter how much other people seem to hate and misjudge her. This fic actively discourages the Harmony ship. It concentrates way too much on Lunarry, it seems unfair actually and is extremely uncomfortable to read about, whilst Hermione has been somewhat brazen in her attempts to convey her somewhat unrequited feelings towards Harry. It would be so much nicer if the author could just make up their bloody mind about which direction they would like Harry, and his choice of a relationship with somebody, to go in. Also, Hermione is pretty useless in this fic. This fic just brings out all of her worst qualities. Oh sure, it mentions she has some positive attributes but we never get to see those positive attributes in action. Her characterisation in this is grossly exaggerated to bring out her worst qualities like her stubbornness, her pride, her sense of privilege and entitlement all the while unfairly, and barely mentioning, or poorly expressing some of her better ones. Examples include, but are not limited to, her courageousness, her compassion, her passion, her intelligence, her generosity and selflessness. Hermione has yet to contribute anything significant, valuable or meaningful to the group. I don't know if the author of this fic secretly hates Hermione or what, but if they do then they shouldn't bother writing a fanfic that's labelled as being a Harmony centric fic. This seems like crack fic rather than a genuine attempt at writing a Harmony - time travelling story. I've read plenty of others that were half way decent and written without the need to excessively sabotage major or minor characters except for canonically accepted and original villains. I think the idea of Harry introducing Muggle technology, specifically Muggle weaponry into the wizarding world is a highly interesting one, but certainly not one without potentially disastrous consequences. I think Luna and Harry having a past relationship or certainly a close romantic relationship is definitely plausible- I just don't want to read it in a fanfic with the tag Harmony above it. I also cannot accept an intelligent, passionate, active Hermione Granger sitting idly by on the sidelines. For as much good as she's done in this fic she might as well have just twiddled her thumbs and watched events play out absentmindedly from the side. I've nearly finished reading this fic and I've never been more disappointed by the characterisation of several key individuals within this fanfic which has such a good premise. Harry, Hermione, Ron and Luna have been excessively irritating and if it hadn't been for the somewhat placid, reasonable, smart version of Ginny Weasley, mirrored in traits reflected back at the reader in the form of Neville Longbottom, or Remus Lupin I don't think I'd have the energy or the patience to read to the end of this fic even if the overall concept and ideas seem mildly interesting. For all that I understand Harry had a crap upbringing and suffered an abusive and traumatic childhood, he is not the only young person to do so and, it certainly doesn't give him a free pass to violently attack or bring about his own version of justice. I even understand that necessary strategic moves need to happen in order to win a war, even the ruthless, calculated, offensive precision required to remove opponents however, I also know there is more than one way to win a war, there is more than one way to rid oneself of an adversary, what is concerning to me is the belief that Harry has that his way is the only right way and everybody else knows nothing and have very little to contribute and offer with the exception of the Weasley twins and Luna. Harry is more arrogant and more stubborn than Hermione. Without any softness or humility, without any give or take, without any gentleness, affection or compassion a relationship between those two just seems antagonistic and likely to beget more suffering not just to themselves but everyone around them. Pride always comes before a fall. Harry has yet to have his. You could argue he already had his. His life was extremely tough before it even had a chance to begin but honestly it seems like Harry hasn't learned some important lessons. Honestly, I kind of want history to repeat itself. Letting Hermione die would be a kinder fate than forcing a relationship with someone who only half loves you with half of everything he is if you could even call it that. Love seems like a massive stretch at the moment. That kind of sentiment should be reserved for friends and acquaintances only. The best kind of relationship is the ones where you're both fully committed to each other. Other things can hold an important place in your life, that's true, I won't deny that - friends, work, family, kids, all are important. But the best kind of relationship is where you learn to prioritise each other and their wellbeing, and partners can provide each other with some sort of security and stability, not to mention mutual respect which comes from establishing fair boundaries. This fic had some rave reviews and whilst the basic plotline is good, the descriptions are good, the way the relationships and personalities of specific individuals has been established is not so I find this fic lacking in something, seriously wanting. |
chelatrix chapter 12 . 5/28/2024 this story might as well be a harry/luna story at this point bc in this luna is the smart one, the one who agrees w harry and knows everything and hermione comes across as whiny and harry comes across as a bit of a dick. I still enjoyed it though but as a hermione lover i just wasnt a fan of the chatacterisation |
Guest chapter 14 . 5/13/2024 Yn |
Tim chapter 15 . 4/28/2024 Just a word to the wise. Never use aspirin when dealing with any kind of knife wound or other injury that is bleeding. Aspirin is, in addition to being a wonderful pain killer, an anti-coagulant that will prevent blood from clotting and cause more blood loss than otherwise. Also might want to avoid taking aspirin 24 hours before getting any kind of dental work done, especially a cleaning. You will have the taste of blood in your mouth the rest of the day. |
Lazy king123 chapter 18 . 2/7/2024 Well harry shows how much of an issue it can be to have memory of an older self while being tenager and therefore none of the careful selfcontrol of his older self it is interesting and huge plot point in the book. However there is huge loopholehe should have learnt occlumency … hell what could be more pressing that bring slave to basically uncontrollable urges … which color his relationship woth basically everyone had dumbledore been less concerned about harrys wellbeing everything could have ended very very baddly |
Lazy king123 chapter 14 . 2/7/2024 Hah this bit forced she is more likely to dodge but whatever |
Lazy king123 chapter 11 . 2/6/2024 Wow fudge being stubborn but for once on admirable cause … |
Lazy king123 chapter 5 . 2/6/2024 Well for supposed tine traveller he is not exactly subtke is he? … oh well i guess acting fool is more important to him than long term consequences… |
themadmartian chapter 18 . 1/12/2024 Pretty good story so far. I note that the last update was 19 years ago, I'm guessing that R/L has gotten in the way or you've just decided not to continue with this story. 0)) |
Knifecrazy chapter 17 . 1/4/2024 Not too bright, this Harry fellow. |
wiebenor chapter 18 . 1/22/2023 If I'm not mistaken this isn't the first story by this author I've read, as the author's name is familiar to me, that said, I must say that this is a good story, like any others by the author that I might have read. it's a shame it's not finished, and not being updated though... I'd really love for it to be completed |
KagetsukiVII chapter 12 . 12/30/2022 Will there be a harry/luna pairing? Luna is very fleshed out and has good chemistry with Harry. |
IronHair chapter 18 . 9/19/2022 Why did you stop writing this :( ? |