Reviews for The End of Days
The Assimilator chapter 1 . 5/8/2022
I am so confused.. am I supposed to learn about how this David guy is that’s part of sauron from another fic or is it gonna be explained?
skotos07 chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
Oh very good edea! I like it!
cafeina chapter 5 . 3/9/2019
Oh my goshh I want to continue reading and at the same time I don't want to know what is going to happen! :O
cafeina chapter 1 . 3/7/2019
Oh my gosh, I haven't realized this was the last part!
Metamorphic Jenny chapter 25 . 9/7/2018
This series is sooo awsome! You have written the characters and the situations so well. I especilly love Aragorn and Arwen, but everything else is awesome to! Its exiting and beautiful at the same time!
Grace chapter 25 . 3/6/2017
Wonderful fic! Read it three times already. Thank you and hope you continue more LOTR literary ventures again.
Z chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
Actually, time can be bent and changed...
polarpwnage chapter 4 . 12/30/2014
Soooo can the bad guy win for once?
Jen chapter 25 . 5/28/2014
"Some furry Kiwi thinks it will make a good movie but who wants to film in New Zealand?"

I see what you did there.
Well played, scribe. Well played
will zona chapter 25 . 5/8/2014
Those two chapters were spetacular. I hope you can make more, maybe tell what the new world is like on the planet..
will zona chapter 23 . 5/4/2014
This chapter is stupendous. Keep up the amazing work.
will zona chapter 22 . 5/3/2014
Those 4 chapters were epic. I hope there are a few more. Keep up the brilliant work.
Guest chapter 22 . 4/29/2014
Now that's a cliffhanger... LOL can't wait for the next chapter.
littlelights chapter 22 . 4/29/2014
OMG! What an amazing update! Thank you! I love this story and can't wait to read more!
Guest chapter 20 . 4/16/2014
Loved the newest chapter
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