Reviews for Reunions and Partings
Prince Tin Lizzy chapter 1 . 1/28/2004
Arrg! Why can't you write some other fic besides stupid romances all the time! Hey, maybe you could do a Draco/Bowen romance...
Chezana chapter 1 . 1/5/2004
Well, where's the other chapter, you half-breed!
Lin16 chapter 1 . 1/2/2004
interesting story.
you might want to do something about the names of draco's family. they werent very draconic.
Prince Araidel chapter 1 . 12/16/2003
Very interesting, though it does have a lot of grammatical errors (oh well, what do you expect from a half-breed?). I suggest you give Draco's family other names besides Chris, Emily, and Jamie. seriously. How about...Isingor, Kirasei, and Sik'kai? Or something along those lines. As long as they're not Chris, Emily, and Jamie. Anyway, I like the idea of dragon heaven, could call it Sih'thenor. Yeah, Sih'thenor, the dragon heaven. that would be kewl.
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