Reviews for Because You're Mine
Enchanted Quill by Sameera chapter 20 . 1/24/2024
Hi. i have a query. if sirius is alive and doing so well as an head auror, why didn't he contact harry these many days?
Tony Moonstone chapter 76 . 11/20/2023
This was a great work of Art.
I'm glad you finished writing it after 7 years.
It took me two weeks to read after life and work and took time to enjoy some reading.
Hard to read at the beginning with Harry's pain and abuse but things got better after The Dursleys trial.
I love how Ron, Draco and Harry trained, learned and battled together.
You are the only author that had someone else destroy Voldemort instead of Harry.
Thanks for making Peter Pettigrew a somewhat good character and gave love interest to Severus and Remus.
One of the best Harry Potter stories I've had the great pleasure in reading.
Thanks so much!
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 59 . 11/16/2023
Well that was a sudden twist.
I was crying during the funeral, and now I have unexpected tears of great joy…Damn you!
Also a cliffhanger, now I need to stay up past my bedtime to find out what the hell happened.
Onward I read.
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 47 . 11/13/2023
This has to be the first time I witness a parental relationship between Draco and Lupin.
It's something I've never seen.
I'm quite shocked.
Enjoying this story.
Onward I go.
Take care and be well!
Tony Moonstone chapter 40 . 11/12/2023
Never had an in depth look at what it's like for Lupin to transform before.
It was fascinating!
Story is quite good though sometimes I feel that Harry's healing is always two steps forward one step backwards.
I really hope things get better for him.
Onward I read.
Take care and be well.
Tony Moonstone chapter 13 . 11/8/2023
It's nice to see how everyone has Harry's best interests at heart and to help him heal.
The upcoming trial is going to be very hard for him.
I hope the outcome will be good in Harry's favour.
Onward I read.
Take care and be well.
Tony Moonstone chapter 2 . 11/7/2023
I'm the first reviewer of 2023. WAHOO!
It's been awhile since I've read an Harry abused and rescued by Snape story.
Poor Harry!
Wonder which directions this story will go.
Onward I read.
Take care and be well!
Michellecole chapter 17 . 8/12/2022
Love your story ! So many authors have come back to there love of writing . I hope it brought you so much joy knowing that so many people are attached to your story . Maybe another story where Harry gets deaged and get a do over with Snape as his dad .
Hinata7 chapter 76 . 4/2/2022
This was a very wild read but oh so worth it!
TVfangirl46 chapter 60 . 12/14/2021
does anyone know what chapter does Draco becomes Lupin's son?
Guest chapter 76 . 10/7/2021
I thought, when I started this fic, that it was another story all about Harry getting a family and the family being the powers that evil knew not…
But no. This was something more beautiful. It is, instead, a story of Severus Snape and his family. It is a story about FAMILY - and how the world is your family. It is a tale of doing what’s right, a tale of forgiveness, and a tale of how “the greater good” is a hard, and nigh on impossible, goal to achieve. It is a lesson in how one should be - no matter what.

And I, for one, am awed by this story and deeply grateful that you wrote it. I am honored to be permitted to read such a beautiful story and so glad I found it.

Keep writing. You are amazing.
Sweet Shy Suz chapter 76 . 9/25/2021
I can only think of one word to describe this story. extraordinary! I just wish they had given Albus the opportunity to go with them.
Aozora Evangelion chapter 76 . 5/11/2020
this story does not progress like what you wrote in the summary. if you put the characters aside, this would be a great story. but something about this story bothers me. sev is way too OoC, and I think the story is stretched too long and goes way all over the place. ending it when sev and harry's relation is mended would be enough. but continuing it to this far, it's like two stories merged together. and then it lost the sevitus feel. and you might want to mention what happened in Harry's previous school year before sev found him. there's just so many holes.
Mary777777 chapter 7 . 5/7/2020
Ok, this story is just to stupid for me to continue. When you have a doctor defending a man's abuse if his son, that just goes to far.
Mary777777 chapter 6 . 5/7/2020
Your little Mary-Sue had some nerve herself for chastising Harry for being angry at a man who has abused Harry for years! Why shouldn't Harry hate the man for abusing him? How is his verbal abuse of Harry any different than the Dursley's? Because of some bogus excuse that it 'protected him'?! How about having the headmaster do his job and threaten to fire Snape it's he didn't stop abusing students? If he had wanted to, he could have found a way around it.
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