Reviews for The Final Reckoning
HelpmeHermione chapter 31 . 4/11/2024
So I have some more things I love about this story. The sheer creativity with all the things you come up with for lessons, spells, potion ingredients, plants, animals, and magic in general. Right on par with Rowling some of it. I also love where you go with things; like getting someone's willie splinched off. I often wondered how wizards are supposed to get help if someone splinches themselves. It's not like a team of medics showed up immediately when Ron splinched himself in book seven. Even though Hermione started putting wards up right away, you would think there would be an immediate notice, and undoing basic wards should be child's play for a ministry medic, or whatever the splinching squad is called. I mean, if someone leaves their leg behind, you got only seconds before that person bleeds out. And as w learned in book seven, the body parts don't necessarily stay sealed up or Ron wouldn't have been bleeding at all. Ok, it's a flaw in the original books, so I can't help but rant a bit.
HelpmeHermione chapter 29 . 4/11/2024
I really haven't been reviewing this story, but I do have a lot to say. First, this hands down, is one of my favorite ff stories. I love the humour which is all you. The easy comradery between Harry and Ron. All the wit, joking, and sarcasm is music to my ears. I love how they have to keep thinking of Snape in a nightie and other ridiculous or gross things to keep things down. I remember one fanfic where Draco had to picture McGonnagal in a bikini to ret rid of his "problem." This chapter really ends in heartbreak. A tear jerker for sure! I found it surprising that Ginny was so good at transfiguration that she could create a whole costume within a moments notice. With skills like that it would be surprising that the Weasleys would ever look shabby for any reason. In other words...not buying it. I'm glad to see Harry and Ginny together. I really do like them as a couple.
Romione Stans chapter 8 . 9/23/2023
Excellent Chapter. Already done with The book of Morgen le Fey. Binge reading. Please start writing again with another mind blowing romione fanfiction stories. Need more long Ron and Hermione fanfiction. Looking forward to read your next work. Lots of love.
Guest chapter 54 . 1/7/2022
Why would they let Mrs. Tonks treat Ginny? Mrs. Tonks was on of the reasons Ginny was working with Draco which is how she got into this mess. Thats really kind of abusive if you think about it.
Nicolerh2010 chapter 56 . 11/22/2021
I am so, so sad this is over. This was brilliant. I love your version of Harry and Ron. Much more realistic teenagers.
weirdhead chapter 3 . 6/10/2021
Well.. Ginny's gonna do something to Susan... She conveniently broke up with Harry and now...
Guest chapter 56 . 1/10/2021
Greatest thing I have ever read
Romione4evah chapter 46 . 6/13/2020
I knew it!
Romione4evah chapter 35 . 6/12/2020
Uh oh the Pansy thing might be important Ronald!
Romione4evah chapter 34 . 6/12/2020
Why do I feel like him not meditating will bite him in the arse soon
Arc-Shipping99 chapter 49 . 5/19/2020
This chapter was awesome! Loved the idea of the teachers and students fighting at the ministry. But where is the rest of the Order? Moody? Kingsley? Elphias? Exc
Guest chapter 56 . 4/25/2020
I HATE THIS. HOW DARE YOU. wow. Everything was. Wow. Perfect. I love how you tied up all the loose ends but at the same time didn’t make it too cheesy. I’ve never heard of Ginny returning to Hogwarts to teach and that was just the best part. Headcanon accepted. I can’t believe ron and hermione we’re ‘engaged’ for 5 years. I’m just so I love with your Ron. He’s perfect. Incredible. I love you.
Guest chapter 52 . 4/25/2020
Wow. Wow. This whole chapter. How do you do this. Every other sentence I was surprised and in suspense. Are we meant to feel bad for Draco? I have so many mixed emotions
Guest chapter 51 . 4/25/2020
IM CRYING. (Also laughing at the fact that Harry Potter won was the least takes about thing in this chapter. Really shows how you can write such details and such focus). Fawkes. Wow. Never in a million years did I think he would come in again. Amazing. I honestly thought Ron was going to die. This chapter was beautifully horrifying. Amazing wow.
Guest chapter 50 . 4/25/2020
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