Reviews for All I Crave is a Normal Life
Yami no Ryu chapter 18 . 9/18/2007
Maa, you haven't updated in something like two years, so I doubt you ever will again, but... I'd just like to say that I love this fic and would love even more if you added a chapter. Or, if you ended the doubt and discontinued it. Either?
Morrolan chapter 18 . 9/6/2007
Love this so much. It has been ages since you updated, are you going to continue this? Please?
beauty7890102 chapter 18 . 9/1/2007
yeah great story can't wait for more so please update agin and soon.
Faireboiz chapter 18 . 9/1/2007

Not sure what I can say besides that...

outstanding character developement, great story line...

loved the "Daily Prophet" twists...

Looking forward to the next chapters.

Thanks for your time and energy.

Blitz-Sora chapter 18 . 8/24/2007
Ah! No! A temporary end! XD I've been pouring over this fic since last night. Amazing, amazing story! I'm enjoying it so much! I cannot wait to read more-you are an amazingly talented author who pulls everything together to make an intriguing, heart wrenching, and exciting story.

...Please update soon? )?
rachlan chapter 18 . 8/13/2007
I just read this fascinating story and am eager to see it continue (and actually SEE some Snarry action!) but I am not too hopeful, seeing as you haven't updated in TWO YEARS. Has it been abandoned? If it has not, please update soon. Thanks! Rachlan
Dragonist chapter 18 . 7/8/2007
This is cool, you are doing a great job with it. I didn't really get on eof the flash backs though, didn't Harry destroy the shadow creature? Or was there just more than one? Anyways, awesome story, I love it.
Shiningkiki chapter 18 . 7/3/2007
Wonderful, I've enjoyed the story immensely. I hope sometime in the future you finish it. Others may want the slash to kick in quickly, but I feel you can never rush a relationship. Keep up the good work, I expect great things from you.
lostdreamer23 chapter 18 . 6/30/2007
Like the person below said, i've been checking back for the past long while (2 years i spose) to see if you are going to update. I really liked this story. Update soon!
Alexive Maybee chapter 1 . 6/25/2007
T_T! I've been checking back every few months for the last year and a half

I love this story, and I really look forward to it's possible continuation
keske chapter 18 . 6/23/2007
Goodness! This is an excellent story! You need to write more for it!
Tarien Lakilea Tel'anor chapter 18 . 6/14/2007
I really like this story. It is well thought out, emotional, and has foreshadowing. (Though I was confused because at one point I think that someone called the Dark Lord Albus, what that a typo or a plot twist?) I read the scene where everyone finds out about Harry half a dozen times. I love the new Draco. All the relationships feel so real. And I love the touch of philosophy. Each chapter is so well thought out. You have almost 1200 reviews. Isn't that motivation for continued writing? Will you ever continue this wonderful story?
BAD HERO chapter 18 . 6/14/2007
aw.. please update! I want to get to the hpss part already.. your story is so good and plot-solid, and wonderful and gorgeous, and sad and everything really.. i can just feel the story developing. very nice!


bad hero
BAD HERO chapter 15 . 6/13/2007
me likes
macaday me a nut chapter 18 . 5/27/2007
So...yeh...this is awsome...and I really like it...but my uestion is...are you going ot finish it? I really want to see the end. I took a look at your profile...Im an Aussie to! Go Aussieland! Oy Oy OY! But...umm...yeh...just wondering.

Macaday me a nut (and your one too!)
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