Reviews for Awakenings
ARandomGirlInRavenclaw read ac chapter 11 . 6/4/2023
Oh how I wish this was canon! Extremely well written and soo beautiful.
An honest fan chapter 11 . 4/26/2021
Recently watched Peter Pan after missing it for a long while. This story brought both fun, love and steaminess all into one. I loved it! Thank you author! So much!

Hope you see this coz you are awesome!
WeasleyIsOurKing chapter 1 . 1/9/2021
Why does this remind me of Ron and Hermione. I think it's because hermione has brown locks and Wendy also has brown locks. so uhm
Creative Child chapter 11 . 12/15/2020

I enjoyed it so much! Aaaaaahhh *fangirl freaking out a bit*

Okay, okay. I'll try to explain: It had elements of childhood and adulthood all over the fanfic. IT'S SO UNIQUE! I loved how you made Peter discover "the adult side of life"!
These kinds of work need to be recognized as AWESOME stories!

And I mean it when I say it was better than the movie. :3


This was better than average fanfics I usually read. WILL YOU DO ANOTHER CHAPTER?! I'LL COME FASTER THAN LIGHT! :D
hpyGlky1003 chapter 11 . 8/17/2020
I really hope you see this since I really just wanted to tell you thank you so so so much for this fic! It's kinda weird for me to say, but your Peter Pan stories have really meant a lot to me. I first found them when I was in college (almost a decade ago!) and I favorited them on . The story of Peter Pan has always been a favorite of mine ever since I was young and I love any works that add a bit of maturity to his story. While this website has changed A LOT since I started using it, I am so so glad that your works haven't been lost since I visit them from time to time as a small pick me up when I'm feeling nostalgic, depressed, or just need an escape from reality for a while. Your story is just so amazing because of how well it's written. It's so immersive and the characters are still true to character, but it's definitely hard to write good Peter Pan fanfics because how do you write character growth about the boy who will never grow up? I absolutely love the way you write about Peter and Wendy here. Soo bittersweet (since I sometimes yearn for that time of innocence) yet I'm glad that they *SPOILER ALERT* don't fully grow up by the end of the story.*SPOILER ALERT END* I will probably continue to read your fic as time passes but I had to let you know that your fic is absolute perfection and is near and dear to me. If you have any future works coming up (even if it's inuyasha or buffy), I'll have you know that I am ready read with open arms (and open eyes lol).
darlingpan story chapter 1 . 8/12/2020
disclaimer: contains: smut,romance, hope you like it XD
wendy and her brothers we're getting for bed when mother came into the room and said "my angels i have to go with father….i'm so sorry" with that john said "but mother father is a brave man can't he go alone?" "yes he's a brave man but if i am there too he wil be the braviest of them all" "you're right mother….*makes puppy eyes* "johnnn do not do that face" *mother giggeled* and which they all said "we'll miss you mother" "goodnight my little darlings. and they all went to sleep..but wendy actually didn't. she heard something but at first...she didn't want to look because she was scared. the shadow came closer..."tinkkkkkk where's my shadow" "i don't know peter...but i assure you we will find it" "thanks tink but...i-i really need to find him LIKE RIGHT NOW!" "SHHHHH peter you'll wake this family" wendy heard everything...but she didn't say a word..."stay here peter i'm gonna check in a other room" "okay tink" he searched every where he still couldn't find the shadow...but then something was shaking it came from a dresser. so he opened it and he found it...he was so happy. but there was one problem.
4Eva Dreaming chapter 10 . 7/27/2020
Oh! The extreme cuteness and sweetness of this chapter!
4Eva Dreaming chapter 4 . 7/27/2020
Ah I am so excited to continue reading this and see how it ends, Haha this is exactly the Type of story I was looking for!
Alexandria Smith1 chapter 11 . 7/7/2020
Loved this story.
DHkeys chapter 11 . 4/6/2020
This fic is so precious.
TrixyHobbitzes chapter 11 . 4/3/2020
Oh so cute and well written. Thank you
TrixyHobbitzes chapter 10 . 4/3/2020
Um. First of All Mrs. Darling is the coolest. Like seriously, what mother would give that response? She was born in the wrong generation, she should have been a hippy. And Peter presenting Wendy with all the “husband” things? Oh Mylanta how cute was that!
TrixyHobbitzes chapter 6 . 4/3/2020
Oh my stars and garters... he preemptively built her a little nest. Like a mating bird or something... awww
TrixyHobbitzes chapter 5 . 4/3/2020
Oh my heart. Him wooing her with constant attention affection and thoughtful gifts without realizing he was doing it or why. Oh its so sweet. Boys take note. If Peter can figure it out on his own ain't no reason you cant dust up your skills a little
Thefortunateone chapter 11 . 11/24/2019
thoroughly enjoyed your story! u captured the innocence so well! it was absolutely adorable how much trouble Peter went to for Wendy to research about husbands and then actually follow through everything! so genuine! I love Ur characters! and of course excellent smut!
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