Reviews for Bridges
Simianpower chapter 1 . 10/27
This was a fun story. It had some frustrating repetition issues in the middle where neither side could get over themselves, but it started and ended well. It probably could've been more like 90-100k words and gotten the same point across, but an additional 25-30k words is far from the worst bloat I've ever seen. Overall I'd give it about 7/10.
Simianpower chapter 15 . 10/27
Regarding your A/N: You may want to go back and fix that "Hayes fired Kinsey" thing from the last chapter and the first time it came up. It's not legally possible. Have him brought up on impeachment charges for the shady shit he did, or different shady shit that can be on the news, or get an incurable disease that would impede his ability in office, or whatever.

Also, it's Asgard, not Asguard. :)
Simianpower chapter 13 . 10/27
Presidents CAN'T fire Vice Presidents, and as a high-ranking military officer who answers to the President Jack should know that. VP is a Constitutional position with a four-year term. They can be impeached, and they can resign, but they can't be fired.
Simianpower chapter 11 . 10/27
You do an AMAZING Teal'c. But the plot has basically stalled at "nobody trusts anybody, repeat endlessly". It's been that way for about five chapters and it's getting old.
mmst1958 chapter 16 . 10/3
You know, I really liked this crossover, and it breathes warmth. A moderately tense family history against the background of other events. It's a pity you don't have any others on Stargate, my favorite topic.
Armiture chapter 15 . 2/3
I had thought the names of the characters in Wormhole X-Treme were the names of the actors playing SG-1 or was Danning a non-SG-1 character. I've yet to see that particular episode. Perhaps Danning was part of the crew that worked on the actual show and is in the credits somewhere.

In any case, Thor asking for Xander's autograph in return was hilarious. Thanks for the laughs.
Armiture chapter 14 . 2/3
Hmm, that was a most interesting ZPM use side effect, IIRC the module they used only had a few percent power left so it was nearing maximum entropy in its pocket dimension.
Armiture chapter 13 . 2/3
Jack killing demons with his son, that was really cool.
Armiture chapter 11 . 2/2
RL things are the bane of many writers, there are far too many great unfinished stories due to them.

The Cheerios milk snort scene was funny as hell.
Armiture chapter 9 . 2/2
I think the day after Christmas is "boxing day" in the UK, or at least the GB portion of it, Giles could've mentioned it but honestly, I don't think it's all that special a holiday.
Armiture chapter 8 . 2/2
When that one NID goon complained about being beaten up by a 10-year-old I was reminded of that scene from a "The Saint" remake where he taunts the head bad guy with, "You were outrun by a little girl and she got away from you."

I'm looking forward to seeing what happens next but shouldn't the NID minion at the SCG been ordered detained by Hammond?
Armiture chapter 7 . 2/2
I liked the Teal'c scene and that things had worked out.
Armiture chapter 6 . 2/2
A good ebb and flow of tension, it was amusing that Andrew half gave it away but was considered to be nerding out by Jack so his comments weren't taken seriously.
Armiture chapter 5 . 2/2
I think you handled the get-together well but I think Xander should've been a little more suspicious of Murray.
Armiture chapter 3 . 2/2
You seem so surprised that your readers are really liking your story and are leaving you nice reviews. Both the Buffy and Stargate franchises have a large fandom and sadly there are far too many wannabe fanfic and crossover fanfic writers who apparently have read a real book, besides Dr. Seuss, and can't be bothered to use a dictionary and other writing aids.

There are literally thousands of fanfics on this site, and others, that have good ideas but are so poorly written that I can't stand reading the error-riddled documents masquerading as fiction. So, when we find an author that has a good idea and writes well, we like to encourage them to write more and hopefully complete the story at caught our eyes.

Thank you for sharing this story with us and I'll be checking later to see if you've written more stories.
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