Reviews for Aftermath: A Story of Blended Clichés’
Anthony Fillbrun chapter 1 . 11/30/2024
I got one question. How the hell did Ranma land Tenchi as a husband ? You can't be telling me that Ryoko, Ayame and Washu gave up without a fight.
2hupedia chapter 18 . 2/12/2024
"No one can overpower Sailor Sun - not even me," she said. "But, the power of all the Senshi does flow through me, even if I cannot use the power myself. If it came to it, I could 'cut it off'."

I... am not actually a fan of that, way to remove all agency from your protagonist and the choice they've made, now I'm kinda wishing she turned the earth into a lifeless marble out of spite.
2hupedia chapter 16 . 2/12/2024
Personally I think the "Moon Kingdom" can fuck off, the arrogance that anyone would WANT to be under their rule is ridiculous.
It's like having Caeser come back from the dead to revive the Roman Empire.
2hupedia chapter 15 . 2/12/2024
I already get that she's going to submissively forgive her... again despite this being her second chance but god I wish she'd just eliminate Pluto.
Alas, fanfic authors seem to have a thing for wanting to keep named characters like her alive despite all irrationality to it.
2hupedia chapter 3 . 2/11/2024
I really think Ranma's new place is wholesome, but it's always tinged by a feeling of 'god Setsuna you loathesome creature, go die.'
2hupedia chapter 2 . 2/11/2024
Out of all the cliche's coming, I think the eventual bit of her forgiving Pluto is going to be the hardest to swallow.
I've never liked her, and I've always thought Crystal Tokyo was a terrible plan doomed to failure even if it worked out, and their moon kingdom isn't worth the effort to revive when its on the backs of billions of dead.
Stary Wylk chapter 7 . 10/10/2021
Finally, some rational ethics.
5074 chapter 10 . 7/25/2021
...that’s not fair. Eventually, after all’s said and done, and the incorporation is complete, she’ll just be Sailor Sun with a little extra tacked on at the end. The absence of something can shape one’s identity just as much as the presence of something. And I don’t like how you’re portraying her desire to make her own personal choices as wrong or the influence of negativity.

The logical outcome of this is that she remembers more and more until eventually she just goes; “Oh, those 16 years weren’t very important at all in the grand scheme of things, were they?” Sailor Sun is just so much MORE than Ranma, and eventually Ranma will just be a single drop of water in an ocean.

But it’s okay, because she’ll be happy and whole, right? If you know someone would be happier or better off a certain way, then of COURSE it’s okay to take the choice out of their hands, right? The part of yourself that’s keeping you from being happy and whole is just something to be destroyed, excised like the tumor it is, right? Ranma just needs to let go of her attachment to personal choice and let things get to the way they SHOULD be, right?

...alright, rant over. Despite my overreaction, this is very well-written. Trust me, there’s definitely worse stuff out there, far worse. And remember, cliches and tropes are, at the end of the day, just tools. It’s the artist’s skill that determines how good a painting turns out, not what kind of brush they use. And honestly, in this day and age of subversion and edginess, a straightforward piece of fiction is quite refreshing. I should probably delete the above rant, but I feel like there might have been a scrap or two of genuine critiques amid that pile of salt.
WPGanimefan chapter 18 . 2/21/2021
No disrespect intended but so the first chapter and this chapter are a lot better then the far. & because of your fic it makes wonder if Serenity was alive in the original series as Luna & Artemis used a command centre to speak with someone
Kitsune Obsessed Freak chapter 1 . 9/10/2020
what the fuck is wrong with you? Can you even write properly? "thru" is not a fucking word at all. grow a bloody brain and use proper English. it's super annoying otherwise. I hate having to make reviews like this but I get really pissed off when I see that shit.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/30/2019
Nokoda? Nodoka may be.
Derich chapter 18 . 3/15/2019
Very nice twist at the end of this epilogue.

Anyway, onward for the university arc!
ChildofDragons chapter 18 . 12/29/2018
I think if I had one issue with this overall fanfiction it would be the lack of any real comeuppance for Sailor Pluto.

She manipulated Ranma's life and put her through hell leading to situations where any normal girl would've been in real danger. Pluto did all this in an effort to manipulate Ranma further then tried to kill her the first chance she had and while it may have been for the 'greater good' or out of fear of Sun's power there were no real consequences for Pluto except a punch to the jaw earlier on and a scolding. This isn't to mention what Pluto did to her in her last life.

In fact Ranma straight up forgives her and they become friends. It was very anti-climatic.
Hikari Nova chapter 1 . 12/25/2018
interesting but there's points you forget to use quotation marks
tacaloking chapter 13 . 7/23/2016
i complain when people do the rush line thing but you are one of the few people who realize how to use it in a written format unlike most people who expect the reader to figure out what happen you know better who make sure the character says it again so the reader understands what that character says which is probably why i am not saying to avoid using it in the future your the only person i seen use that who actually seems to know it needed to be used differently then how they do in tv shows and movies
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