Reviews for Somewhere I Belong II
Wynjara chapter 1 . 3/16/2004
OOh goody, miscommunications already! Yippee! Er, I mean..oh never mind, I'll just slink off into the corner and think sadistic thoughts.
Numba1 chapter 1 . 3/16/2004
I'm liking it so far and can't wait for the rest of the story.
starangel2106 chapter 1 . 3/16/2004
10 points. (first chappie) Anyway geat (not that it wouldn't be) The chappies aren't really that short but your the author. :) waiting
Jenny chapter 1 . 3/16/2004
Hi, good to see this started so soon! And it was a great start. I like that Harry is slowly finding that Severus is still human and not a bad human either. Ron's assumption is logical and should make for an interesting new chapter.
hope to see more soon
torifire126 chapter 9 . 11/27/2004
I really hope you continue this fic because it is really good. I've read ones similar, but none that were quite the same.
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