Reviews for De profundis
Womenreligiousfan chapter 1 . 1/23/2014
Awsome! He was a Religious and a Squib. I think you'd enjoy my story where Minerva is from a Catholic family w/ 2 religious sisters, one being Maggie's Sister Act character
Darth Marrs chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
That was extremely well done. Excellent use of period language, and a wonderful background for the Fat Friar. Thank you for sharing.
Murazor chapter 1 . 5/16/2012
A good origin story for the Fat Friar!

And nice detail having Flamel act as the narrator.
happyhooligan2001 chapter 1 . 7/26/2009
It's suprising just how few Fat Friar stories there are. He is the most mysterious of the Hogwarts ghosts. With the publication of Deathly Hallows we get a backstory to the Grey Lady and the Bloody Baron. Nearly Headless Nick can't shut up about himself. But The Fat Friar doesn't even have a name or even a clue as to which century he's from. I can't even recall a direct quote from him from any of the books.

Your story is very well written in a 17th century style. I really liked Brother Timothy. However, giving up the secrets of the confessional is considered a very bad thing in the Catholic Church and could lead to excommunication. However, if Timothy is merely a brother and not a priest then he can't legally hear confessions and isn't bound by the seal of secrecy. He's also a good man who doesn't want to see a murderer free to kill again.
Shikatanai chapter 1 . 6/29/2006
That was really, really good! I loved it. It's always interesting to see backstory for some of the non-principle players, and you did a fantastic job with the Fat Friar.
gredior chapter 1 . 2/13/2006
Wonderfully done.
Llll chapter 1 . 2/11/2006
That title...

No. I'm sorry. I refuse to respect anyone who steals titles like that. Nuh-Uh. :(
Shadowface chapter 1 . 3/27/2005
That was wonderful...It was unique...Awesome job. Please write more soon!
namjai chapter 1 . 3/8/2005
This was excellent. Just amazing writing, and I loved the story you invented for the Fat Friar. I should like to consider this to be the way it happened until I hear JKR say otherwise.
Ferocious Rabbit chapter 1 . 1/13/2005
I really enjoyed this, your historical accuracy was particularly refreshing. I also liked how you integrated Christianity into the world of HP, because obviously it was there, and yet too many stories end up making all Christians the enemy because of the witch hunting (and maybe because of more modern reasons as well). Your story appropriately shows both sides of the issue, through the witch hunters and through the faith of the Friar. He’s a character I haven’t really read much on, and your interpretation of him seems very realistic, especially how he reacts to his ghostly state and the role he takes up as ghost of the Hufflepuff house. I like that he still has faith at the end that the world will end and that even when death is not what he expected, it will still turn out to God’s plan. I’m very impressed :)
Zmedlebum chapter 1 . 1/12/2005
This was an intriguing read. I enjoyed it thoroughly. Thanks for that.
Alex Harman chapter 1 . 10/19/2004
Interesting take on the Fat Friar; the archaic writing style was well-done, I thought, and it's a touching story. If you ever feel inspired to invent a backstory for one of the other ghosts (especially the Bloody Baron), I'd be very interested in reading it.
Ms. Kinnikufan chapter 1 . 8/25/2004
That was a beautiful fic...that's the only word I can use...beautiful.
Secret Staircase chapter 1 . 6/30/2004
Muggule! :D Pure genius. I like this fic already.

I confess I know very little about the history of the seventeenth century, but you've obviously got good knowledge of it, and it lends the fic a delightful feeling of authenticity.

I like the Muggle interpretations of wizard habits, especially the way they're all twisted to fit the guilty verdict.

"If you believe that you attended school in a grate, Brother Timothy, I fear that Satan has turned your wits."

Brilliant line!

I like Timothy very much. He's a great original character.

Fortescue! Nice touch there.

Ah, Brother Timothy really is lovely. He certainly fits with the good-natured canon Friar.

Making Nicolas Flamel the Potions Master was a very good idea; I like stories that feature him, because he's such an unusual character to write about. Nitpicking slightly, Nicolas in this case ought to be spelt without an 'h', but on the other hand, spelling wasn't quite as fixed then.

This was very enjoyable. The prose was excellent, very skilful and precise. And I think I love you for 'Muggules'. :)
Camwyn chapter 1 . 4/19/2004
All right, colour *me* blown away... I'd been working with a few ideas about the Fat Friar for my own fanfic, so I resolved not to read this until I'd got him written down. You were recommended to me and I didn't want to plagiarise, even inadvertently.
That having been said, I *really* like this. The 'period' feel is very good, and Brother Timothy is quite an impressive fellow. Puts me in mind of Neville when it comes right down to it, and Nev's my favourite canon character. Not to mention that I absolutely adore the dear fellow's response to being declared Hufflepuff's Spiritus Principalus.
In short- lovely, lovely work.
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