Reviews for Confessions of the Master
koredik chapter 10 . 8/16/2009
Gash... The last sentence is the foot-blow on the clutching fingers. I should fall into sleep but let's say it's christmas and chapter 11 is my gift.
koredik chapter 9 . 8/16/2009
I'm not sure which one was the biggest ass ;) Holmes, perhaps, for bringing por injuried Watson to the falls on all places. And yet, the other loging was a good-one too. Man... I cant help but have the deepest sympathy for the lovers of darkest times (I know our time has nothing to be proud of but we made some little progresses anyway)
koredik chapter 8 . 8/16/2009
I have a hard time to picture Watson as the sarcastic-one, but otherwise... It's just wonderful the way the 'case' is mirroring the main plot. Helps us to understand the deepness of the engaged feelings.

And the last scene... *speechless* I may have read it in a peculiar way, but... first I held my breath when Watson discovered the truth, then (second bullet, thank you) I swear it was fear when the doctor realized it was made for him to understand. I KNEW it was not the right stream but I couldn't help being alongside with Watson, knowing a shadow was looking at us, ready to confront our minds already racked by the turmoil. It was almost a surprise (and relief) to read about the absent Holmes and his present thoughts.

For your info now I'm certainly ill (influeza, who knows?) and dead frozen but I can't go to bed, hanging on a cliff as I am :)
koredik chapter 7 . 8/16/2009
'a great mind... with two attics' You masterize words. And what a work! I admire the effects you made with this flash-back and various POV (kind of) chapter. For now and further, sorry if my comments are obscurs or non-readable. I do certainly not handle english with your talent! ;)
koredik chapter 6 . 8/16/2009

I have no words

And it's just chapter 6. You are going to kill me, aren't you?

Let's say this chapter was like watching a movie and reading a hidden doyle all the same.
koredik chapter 5 . 8/16/2009
O my... Holmes, what in the name of - have you just tried? I must say it's quite refreshing (now I'm talking like him!) to have a fic were obviously all the *love* matters are not settled before the fun. Your story is really good in plot, writing, reflexions and building of the characters. I mean even your 'case' is making me hold my breath! (that's the reason why I'm still outside the house at 1:42 am with my laptop, freezing, in a poor attempt to keep my internet connection on ;)
koredik chapter 4 . 8/16/2009
yeah I recon Watson is a bit er... unsteady? But you prove so far we can rely on you to make it trough a pretty good story. So here I am on the road to the next chap :)
koredik chapter 3 . 8/16/2009
poor poor Watson! Honestly! The man went trough so much, and then this last blow... I can picture so vividly this 'mere mortal living among the gods' thing. It's heartbreaking I swear it is!
koredik chapter 2 . 8/16/2009
a very complete story! There are so much depths to explore. Will W be jealous of J/S? Will he be cured from is bitterness? Will S behave with the child? May a child be able to understand one dark-moods and sudden selfishness? Will W cope with his up-to-come revelations about his friend (non) feelings (which may be like discovering an unknown person hidden inside a friend)? And many other questions but I forgot half of them :)
koredik chapter 1 . 8/16/2009
'default chapter' indeed! XD I cried in earnest and I laughed all the same. Quite an astonishing mix for a 'simple' fic. Thank you again and again for your amazing work and now... sorry but I can't wait! see you next chapter!
ShiftingWinds125 chapter 32 . 6/5/2009
O_O I LOVE IT! This is an awesome story! Poor Sherlock! Watson left him again! This story has just the right amount of Angst! I'm looking forward to your next update!
teacrumb chapter 32 . 6/3/2009
PLEASE CONTINUE. My god. I read it all in one sitting and I'm desperate for the end! Please do not abandon this! *_*
Eleanor Ariail chapter 32 . 3/2/2009
What an interesting story! While I am a sucker for fluff, I still love to see more realistically complicated relationships in fanfiction, and this is definitely that. Josh is adorable, and Watson needs a good smack for his horrible parenting abilities.

I hope the last line of this chapter proves to be true, but I will be anxiously awaiting more regardless of the outcome!
H-Tacs Occor I Oem chapter 32 . 1/25/2009
One has to have hope after all, doesn't it?

This fic is definitely something, very well written, would probably be a best seller. I enjoyed very much the time I spent reading it so far. :D

criminally-intent-marysue chapter 32 . 12/26/2008

That is really all I can think of to say.

I can't believe it has taken me this long to find this wonderful, enticing, beautiful story.

You do Mr. Holmes and Dr. Watson Proud!

Please keep writing!
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