Reviews for Confessions of the Master
Sc00byD00 chapter 1 . 2/26/2008
All I can say is 0.o This is one of the best f*cking fanfic I have ever read. I spent the last 2 weeks reading this when I got home from work. I like Sherlock's past in this fic alot. Explains why he is so emotionally distant from everyone else. I love that you have added to the challenge with Josh. All of this makes the fic that more believable. Can't wait to read the next chapter in your story. Keep it up!
Narwe Silverflame chapter 31 . 2/11/2008
I spent the past week reading this fic and now that I finally reached the 31st chapter all I can say is: "You're brilliant!" and "I need next chapter!". No, really, this is a masterpiece and I bow before your writting skills! never before have I read a Sherlock Holmes fic but this one captivated me immediately.

Go you!
Lady Katelynna chapter 31 . 2/10/2008
YAY! I"m SO glad you continued this. PLEASE, go on, PLEASE!
ShiniShiChan chapter 31 . 12/20/2007
Wagh! This is such a good story! I can't believe you've managed to stick with it, and i hope my measley review proves that i'm eagerly awaiting the next installment, no matter how long it takes.

xD I was just going through a Holmes craze, and had been wondering for many a chapter when they'd start ejaculating their words. Yes, immature mind, maybe, but it makes me 'hurr hurr'. _ And i loved the development of the first few chapters. You really nailed down their characters. And i understand how a story of this sort can be difficult to do, especially when it's not down and outright projected in the actual stories, but i think you've done a marvelous job. Everyone's adorable. _x And the smex was hot, especially the first one, brief as it was. Oh, i hope things work out for them without it getting too tragic! ;_;
Lurel chapter 31 . 12/16/2007
omygoodness... I absolutely adore your fic! I'm new to the whole SH slash thing, and I'm glad that my first experience with it was such a well written story. :) Please update soon~!

Sanguinary Tears chapter 31 . 12/10/2007
Thank you so much for updating! I've been waiting for five months to read more and when I saw that this story had been updated I screamed and now that I've read this chapter and that the telegram has been sent requesting Holmes' return to London, I find myself again in the same place as I was five months ago: sad that I have to wait, but excited beyond doubt to find out what happens next to them!

Truly your story is a work of art and it could easily be taken for one of the many adverntures they shared together. Forgive my wordiness, I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy reading your story. I hope you update soon. Bye!
Incubi Nightmare chapter 31 . 12/5/2007
Wow...I sure feared you got lost somehow and it makes me really very, very happy that you are not only still around but also determinded to finish Confessions.

I'm very curious what will happen next (but also glad since we finally got a little hope for our two men).

You might like to hear that I'm still translating. (I just uploaded the 25th chapter about two days ago.) Up to know I got more than 100 reviews about (110 I think) and I'm glad that I won't have to tell them now that there hadn't been an update for more than a year.)
Akino K chapter 31 . 12/5/2007
You updated! Finally. I had already feared that you wouldn't, anymore. Ah, I'm so happy, now. _

I'm very glad that your style still is this good, after all the time - I know that mine wouldn't be. Also, I simply love what you made of that scene after Holmes' "experiment", which I like very much in the original.

Anyway, thank you very much for this update and please keep up working on the story. chapter 30 . 11/24/2007
it's an update.. i can't believe it! )

and it's not Christmas yet.. but it certainly feels like it

thank you! i hope you'll continue wih the story - it's definitely worth it
Rowana S chapter 31 . 11/23/2007
It's wonderful to see you posting again. I'm looking forward to more...
Mysterylover17 chapter 31 . 11/23/2007
YAY! You've returned! And what a chapter? What will become of Holmes and Watson? Mrs. Hudson and Josh? Please PLEASE do update soon!
The Unbreakable Snape Fan chapter 19 . 9/9/2007
Oh wow.
The Unbreakable Snape Fan chapter 11 . 9/9/2007
Oh no she didn't!
The Unbreakable Snape Fan chapter 9 . 9/9/2007
Omg. Yes.
The Unbreakable Snape Fan chapter 6 . 9/9/2007
Whoops! I have no idea how I thought there were 5, not 30. *snorts*
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