Reviews for Confessions of the Master |
![]() ![]() Welcome back-I really enjoyed this chapter, and I think you really have Lestrade down. He's my fave Scotland Yarder. Please continue soon! Haley |
![]() ![]() Yay, thank God for school (yes, because that's the place with computers), eh? :) Anyway, I greatly enjoyed the chapter and I'm glad you continue with the case of Philly's death - I hoped you will. Watson and Josh - well, that doesn't look too good. *sigh* And the usual request: update soon. cheers |
![]() ![]() ![]() Oh, I'm loving the way Josh is developing. He promises to be interesting. His characterisation is excellent, he certainly seems to behave just as a five year old under those circumstances would. The realism is wonderful, Lestrade was nicely written too. I'm certainly looking forward to seeing how Josh goes on, I'm with TerriyakiKat, they're going to come to a head one day. I'll look forward to reading it. |
![]() ![]() ![]() First thing: this is Canadian Anime Princesseses writing to you. I'm only under this name because the loggin page refused to let me in, so now, I'm under this name instead of that old one. Just to tell you, so you won't be confused. Second thing: Would you believe me if I wrote (ha! instead of saying(or writing) 'said') can you please continue this story and update soon? |
![]() ![]() ![]() welcome back! i'd been wondering where you had gotten too... excellent as ever... i really like the respect for lestrade. he deserves better than holmes' mockery, and this is a great explanation for the discrepancy. watson and josh... oh dear, oh dear. something's going to come to a head one day, and not very prettily, i think... |
![]() ![]() ![]() Wow. This piece gets more and more powerful as you go. I can't wait to find out what's going on . . . And how are you going to handle the cases from the Case-Book, after Holmes and Watson have sort of "disbanded" their partnership and Holmes has gone to live alone on the Sussex Downs? (God, that sounds like he went to be a horse jockey LOL.) Hope your computer recuperates soon . . . ~Haruka Lune~ P. S. Ch. 24 and 25 are both the same. Don't know if you know, but they are. |
![]() ![]() I love all your stuff. You started out good and got better. Also, you handle the slashy parts with taste and aplomb; which is good, since ridiculously graphic sense irritates me. You made Watson's conversion to 'the life', as they called it back then, believable. I can't wait to get the next chapter. Have you considered getting published? There are far too few SH/W slash novels out there (in fact, I can only think of two, Russell Brown's and mine, and since mine isn't published yet it presumably doesn't count.) Oh, by the way-I'm the Sherlockfreak, this time in a different guise. I have a couple alter egos which I use. A new one, Tony Vernon-Smith, will turn up on this website on the fourth. I'll be pasting up bits of my novel and a slash story I'm working on. And you know that new story, 'Unrecquited', on Holmesslash? That was me. Did you guess? Ha ha ha. Please email me back; I've been wondering whether you dropped off the face of the earth. Phantomslick (or sherlockfreak, or Tony Vernon-Smith, whichever you prefer) PS Remember Tony? Wasn't he a howl? Mike: You're up late. Girl (coyly): I was just going to bed. Tony (emerging from back room): Then go to bed. If you're that bored, start without me. (He swats her.) Oh, Jeremy. You are SO evil. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Vale: I love your story like woah. You have managed to capture both Sherlock's character and John's perfectly. Please continue soon~! And I'd send you this computer but it's probably worse than your own :P |
![]() ![]() ![]() Well, I almost didn't read this because slash doesn't do it for me (forgive me, but as a het woman who prefers the interpretation that SH was sexually repressed, but het, slash never appeals-it is also usually pretty poorly written)-I am glad I gave the first chapter a go, though, because it turned out to be quite well-written, and with a generally consistent voice, in a style in keeping w/ canon (though not always as smooth as it could be)-in addition, the story is engrossing, and I can see how W, despite being essentially het, is drawn to and loves SH in a way that transcends both het and gay conventions, the complete manifestaion of which includes or requires physical, sexual, sensual expression. Anyway, I am enjoying it as a sort of AU story-where SH & JW's universe is the same as in the canon up to Reichenbach, and which afterwards departs from canon because in this universe, JW allowed himself to become angry with SH on his sudden return from the dead, precipitating a series of changes, and while the canon universe & this universe are very similar, they are running on parallel tracks. There are some spelling and usage errors that detract somewhat from the prose, but in general, the writing is pretty good. I'm glad I went ahead and gave your story a try- it has been definitely worth reading, and I will look for new chapters. (Congrats, too, on keeping up with the story over such a long period-I'd probably get distracted half way through, forget about it, and leave my readers frustrated with some unfinished, half-baked thing.) |
![]() ![]() Me again. A case, finally! Whoopee! All right, this will tie in to chapter two. Epitaphs go on gravestones, not epitomes. 'Epitome' means'absolute perfection'. Nightmares about people are rather bizarre. Other than that, no complaints. Just remember, if you insist on making Watson what the Victorians called 'one of those', he must be at least AC/DC. Remember the women of three continents, as per the Sign of Four? |
![]() ![]() I am also a huge fan of the exalted Mr. Brett, but I think I beat you to the punch-I've already written a novel. Not that anybody cares. In fanfics, the rule of thumb is that you can do anything you want, but still I have a few suggestions. Firstly, one should never get hysterical when writing. Keep it dry so it'll sound like an actual novel and not a fanfic. Give yourself delusions of grandeur-think yourself a brilliant and original writer; it's good for the soul. And about the slash-bless you for promising to be tasteful, but really. What is it about people that they have to have a H/W relationship like THAT? I mean, Holmes is one of the most profoundly campy men I've seen (love that long scarf, and the big purple necktie) but Watson has always seemed to me to be a ladies' man. After all, he got married at least twice in the original books. Once in the '80s, and once around 1903. This is AFTER the Falls of Reichenbach. So if you're sticking the relationship in the middle you have to get over that obstacle. Also I think (you did ask for my opinion; sorry) that you ought to tone down the emotionalism a bit. Stuff like that needs a slow build-up and then a bang. And don't you think you're making Holmes a bit too wild? I mean, emotionally. Holmes is the coolest thing since ice. He is slick. He never shows his feelings if he can possibly help it, and I personally think he'd rather be shot than admit that he actually enjoys Watson's company. Okay. That chemical stuff you were talking about in the substance of books and all that. Is that bona fide? You never know; some chemical scientist might be reading this one day and laugh at you. I hate being laughed at so I'm trying to do a good deed. One more thing. In the books, meaning the Canonical ones, Watson did not move back to 221B until some time later, after he sold his practice. Now, he sold his practice to a guy named Verner, for an outrageous sum of money. This guy Verner he later discovered was a relative of our dear friend Holmes, who put Verner up to it and gave him the money to do the deed with. Don't forget that bit. Since you seem to like confrontations you can make this one a doozy. Or did you do it? I'm sorry, I'm only on chapter one. I would be extremely honored if you would email me back. My address is up top. I have all kinds of Sherlock stuff I've written; you should like it since you are a fellow worshipper at the shrine of Jeremy Brett. And David Burke and Edward HArdwicke, must not forget those two. You've an interesting premise for your story and you should go on with it if only to give yourself a break. But I want to see how this turns out. Good luck and happy writing. The Sherlockfreak |
![]() ![]() Oh, what do I sense? A woman worming herself into Watson's mind? Please soothe my anxiety by removing her from the stage. |
![]() ![]() Thank goodness: two new chappies within two weeks. Both are very nicely done. Am happy to read Julia's gone. Hope she'll never return. Update soon. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Really great chapter. I like it a lot. |
![]() ![]() ![]() If I had a spare computer, I'd send you one. :) As it is, this one's playing up. So, the chapter, I really like what Julia seems to represent, the idea of an ideal life, of the sort that Watson had before with Mary. Although I'm not sure that he'd enjoy it half so much as he thinks he would. It seems more like a nice dream. The parallel between Holmes and Josh - the various problems surfacing, very nicely done. And we've now found out what Sherlock owed Mycroft! I'm assuming you were referring to his help in the previous chapter when Sherlock agreed to stay for the funeral. Sneaky psuedo-cloffhangers really are your thing. A solution? Intruiging. Update soon. -Rowana |