Reviews for Confessions of the Master
deinvati chapter 39 . 1/17/2016
God, this is beautiful. I love how you write them, their love is so perfect even though they never say it and rarely get to show it. Bravo.
Hagstrom chapter 38 . 1/12/2016
I can't remember if I left any feedback for this last chapter or not, but I suppose one more review wont do any harm.

It was a wonderful chapter, as always, your writing style, the way you manage the narrative, to make us think that something is happening and then change it in the very next paragraph with the rest of the letters its just wonderful, though I have to admit that last one, where we realised it's not Josh writing to Watson, was just heartbreaking.

I do hope Josh is alright. And I don't think I've ever admit this to myself, but I the fact that Watson lives longer than Holmes, does break my heart. it almost makes me wish for Holmes to be the one writing in the beginning.

Forever alert for a new chapter to the best of Sherlock Holmes fanfiction.
phantoms voice chapter 38 . 12/30/2015
...the best fanfic I ever read...please more chapters...don't let us wait...
Guest chapter 38 . 8/17/2015
Best sherlock fanfic i've ever read. Serious from the bottom of my heart. This story is good work. SO DELIGHTED when i noticed there was another chapter ! I really hope the next chapter comes really really soon. This is much better than sir arthur conan doyles original stories. I love your work. I hope you'll write more very very soon!
I can almost not wait.
With Love. :)
Really chapter 5 . 7/13/2015
Why does EVERYTHING have to have this slash now...? It's creepy...
Avid Reader chapter 38 . 1/26/2015
Another wonderful chapter. I hope you will update soon! Uhh. I can not believe that Holmes and Watson are finally living together but can not be sleeping and be intimate with each other. I do hope that the next Chapter will show them sharing a bedroom together. Why those 20 feet keeping them apart after decades of being so? Its just too cruel. I also do hope that there is good news from Josh. I think that both Holmes and Watson have suffered more than their share as you say. I will say that this the best Sherlock Holmes story I have ever read, published or not. I do hope you will not keep us hanging for long. I live in hope of good news in this story and from the update!
isaakfvkampfer chapter 37 . 1/24/2015
In reply to Jen. I didn't give up the translation. Just got a little bit carried away the last time I took down all the chapters up to about Chapter 34 to beta them myself. Now I use my new PC and the old one needs repair. I haven't sorted through the stuff stuck there... I will never give up on something like this.
RandomQ chapter 38 . 1/20/2015
Gaaah, no! Too much of an emotional rollercoaster right there at the end. Please don't make us wait another year!
MAMMAMIA2013 chapter 38 . 1/20/2015
So here you are! From chuckle, smile to silence and then at the end with Lily's letter, there remains only worry. With just those few lines, one can hear the thunder from somewhere distant. Nice!
Jen chapter 37 . 1/20/2015
I'm so glad and excited to see your updates after so many months. When I first read the story, my college is just beginning, and someone get your authorize to translate the story into Chinese. The fics is so wonderful that I was completely carried away。However,after chapter 33,the translator gave up. What a pity! I think it is the best H/W Fiction I have read ever。Then I decided to read the original English story. Of course it’s not very easy,but the story is worth it.
RandomQ chapter 37 . 11/27/2014
Please update this soon. It's too incredible. When I say that this is the best Sherlock Holmes fanfiction I have ever read, I am speaking nothing but the truth. :) I need to know how this ends!
devoted reader chapter 37 . 9/20/2014
I remember when you first published. I was in 10th grade at the time. I fell in love with this story almost immediately. Over the years I forgot about this story until last year. I reread everything from the and fell in love all over again. I'm not too emotional when it comes to reading but I couldn't help myself when I read this chapter. After 10 years of waiting for Watson to realize how hard it was for Sherlock to keep his emotions in check, he finally got to see Sherlock's pain. I've been waiting 10 years for this moment that I don't mind waiting some more. :) This is the greatest story I've ever read and one that I will always remember in my heart.
Avid Reader chapter 37 . 8/13/2014
I just reread this whole story again. Still in awe of its reality, majesty, and tragic beauty. Ah, you have ruined me for all other H/W fics. I have to agree with the previous commentater that all I want for the next chapter is some reprieve for Holmes and Watson. They have earned that much after all they have been through. Again I have to say best story I have EVER read. If it were published it should be a national best seller, win numerous literary prizes, and be made into a movie. You have captured the voice of Holmes and Watson, and the victorian age like no other. I hope you will update soon! And don't stop writing!
Guest chapter 37 . 6/11/2014
I have been reading this for little over a week now and I must say that this is one of the best things I have ever read. Sherlock and John are so lifelike! I could totally see all of this happening. I love how they aren't in their own little bubble and that the world around them affects their decisions. Their characters are complex and I love how you have taken your time with them. I have read some of your comments at the beginning of the chapters about how long they are but, in my honest and most humble opinion, I would not have it any other way. I eagerly wait for the conclusion!
MAMMAMIA2013 chapter 11 . 5/29/2014
I do love the scene on the train back home, very fine and beautiful, it’s one of the most impressive pieces from the whole story for me. If I may use one word to describe the feeling when I read it, then that should be ”soft”, yes, so soft and tender, from the touch on baby Josh to the silence between them. I truly hope if possible, the trip would never have had an end, just let them be like this, like a family.
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