Reviews for Confessions of the Master
MMcGuire chapter 37 . 3/29/2014
The author's vivid descriptions of the surroundings bring life to this chapter. You are able to experience each aspect (i.e. colors, flavors, smells, emotions) on a personal level.
Wonderful! Cannot wait to read the next chapter.
MAMMAMIA2013 chapter 37 . 3/11/2014
OMG, is Josh going to die?
MAMMAMIA2013 chapter 36 . 3/11/2014
I do like the scene when they finally met again after 10 years. this sentence: “you know, I remember a young fellow who, when I asked him to name his faults, he said he is up at all ungodly hours. Who would have thought that more than thirty years later that would still be so?”…. the impression of ’yesterday once more’, very nice.
Avid Reader chapter 37 . 3/9/2014
Wow, another astounding Chapter. I must say that this story is perhaps one of the best written story I have EVER read, published or non-published, in my entire life. And I am a voracious reader. Each line of this story tug at my heart. I hope you will give us a glimpse into their happy life, however short that may be. I also hope that you will give them the emotional and physical reconnection they deserve in the chapters to come. You mentioned a while back that you liked happy endings. I think a lot of your readers would want that as well. Please do not be too bleak in your coming chapters. And most importantly please update soon! I am dying with anxiety for the next chapter!
ShiftingWinds125 chapter 37 . 3/4/2014
Yay! They're finally back together! XD As always, I love your writing and I can't wait for more!
DETAILS1895 chapter 1 . 2/27/2014
I really admire your storyConfessions of the master. I'd say, in fact, that this is really a masterpiece.
I first read this story from a fanfiction website, where your words had been translated into Chinese. Of course the translaters are brilliant! A feeling, which you could discribe as sorrow, happy, grateful, regret…all mixed together. I'd say I'm really touched.
You see, I'm a college student from China, and I'm a freshman major in physics. So I'm not able to express myself fluently in English. All I want to say is, keep going, and again, thank you for sharing such great story.
yours sinserely,
littlepenguin chapter 7 . 2/18/2014
YOU ARE A GENIUS! The reincarnation of sir arthur conan doyle himself(until a certian point) the style is so perfectly imited! I had the impression to read a novel never published, this is so amazing!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/29/2014
Type your review for this chapter here...
Hagstrom chapter 37 . 1/24/2014
Ok first of all: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR POSTING! It really makes me so happy when we get an update!
So onto the fic: AMAZING. Oh God, I was so so grateful when Watson finally kissed his Holmes, so very hard earned that. Your fic is so bittersweet that it feels real. The action scenes very well written (though to be fair everything was well written!) I'm glad John is finally coming to terms with the Josh issue and I really love Lilly and she apparently understand far more that she lets on!
Now, everything was really lovely until that last line... Please please tell me you are NOT killing Holmes soon. Please do, because I'll scream my head off, after years of being apart, both as lovers and as friends, finally getting together and to lose the love of their life so soon after so much? PLEASE DON'T!
Anyway, you're really great, I'm anxiously waiting for the next part to come soon!
Lotrq chapter 37 . 1/24/2014
God, this story is so good. Please, please, please, keep updating it. Nothing makes my day more than to see that "Confessions of the Master" has been updated.
H-Tacs Occor I Oem chapter 37 . 1/23/2014
I was expecting a new post in... Let me think... October maybe? I almost had a heart attack when I saw the email this morning and I just had to stop all that I was doing to read this. I cried a good part of it. I guess I should blame you for that... But there is no story like the ones that move our hearts. This is my number one, definitely. So... I pray the next chapter will come as unexpectedly as this one. :)
ShiftingWinds125 chapter 36 . 11/17/2013
Oh you're evil.
I hope to god Holme's sickness isn't worse than Pnumonia and he isn't dying. Ohhhh can't wait to find out what happenes next!
twilightserius chapter 11 . 11/14/2013
oh jezz his sister is evil and they make a cute couple. she makes me wanna smack her. read more later
twilightserius chapter 12 . 11/13/2013
damn this is interesting read more laters
1895-Forever chapter 1 . 11/1/2013
love your story!And please, don't make us wait for five years...
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