Reviews for Confessions of the Master
Lotorq chapter 36 . 10/25/2013
THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH FOR UPDATING. :') Please, don't make us wait 5 more years...please.
Reader1895 chapter 36 . 10/23/2013
Thank you for posting this amazing chapter. I have read a thousand Holmes pastiches and yours are the best. The quality of this story is beyond compare. I love the bittersweet back drop of every scene. I suspect that this story will turn out to be a tragic love story but I hope that you will allow Holmes and Watson some measure of happiness in the end. They have suffered so much more than they deserve. By the way, I was wondering have you thought of transferring this story to AO3? I know that they have better user interface there and I am sure your story will be a hit there. I will be waiting for you update with baited breath!
greyShade chapter 36 . 10/22/2013
You do leave us waiting for more... I begin to wonder who the master is around here. As always, worth the wait however long it may be.
Hagstrom chapter 36 . 10/22/2013
You certainly have a penchant for cliffhangers and having our wretched hearts in your talented hands! I must confess I'm reading this in my office and trying to maintain a perfect poker-face is quite the challenge! Specially with the John-Josh fight and the neaaar kiss at the end!
And you made Watson a large man, which does not makes me particularly happy, because it comes in conflict with my mental image of him but it's stupid to expect that everything will fit into your ideas of the characters.
As to Josh going into war, I suppose Holmes talked him out of it after the boy calmed down but at least it served a purpouse; he finally told Watson what the good Doctor needed to hear a long time ago. My congratulations on writing that dialogue which kept me on the edge of my chair.
I'm, as I supposed are the rest of your readers, quite worried about Holmes' health. I suppose that my major concern is that theirs will be a sad love story in which, at the end, they won't have time to be happy together.
Yeah, I'll stop writing now because I could go on and on about this, so thank you a lot for posting this and if I may be a greedy bastard, could I ask you to post the rest of the chapter as soon as you can?
H-Tacs Occor I Oem chapter 36 . 10/21/2013
I was so happy when I received the email about the new chapter, I nearly cried. Hahah
You make me feel so many emotions in a single chapter... The characters' feelings are not all there in the open for all to see but it is as if they were. They are SO strong. It's like a second presence in the room.
It's bitter-sweet thinking that the end is near. I do want to know how it ends, though you've already given some hints here or there, but, at the same time, I was hoping this story would last forever...
Thank you for another great chapter! :)
Sanae Kinimo chapter 35 . 7/8/2013
WAIT THIS CANT BE THE LAST CHAPTER CAN IT?! I was hoping for Sherlock and John to re-unite TT
This was an epic story; amazingly written, and just awesome.
Time to read your other Sherlock Holmes stories! :)
Guest chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
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Guest chapter 1 . 5/12/2013
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machinehead chapter 35 . 5/4/2013
This is one of the best fanfics I have ever seen. It melted my heart. Seriously! I feel so captivated by Holmes and Watson's relationship! I can't help but hope with all my heart that you'll keep your promisse and offer them a happy ending... I never wished so much for a happy ending!

Congratulations for writing such an awesome story. I'm eagerly hoping for the next chapter.
Blizblade chapter 35 . 4/9/2013
This is really the best SH&JW story I've ever seen.
Lotrq chapter 35 . 3/14/2013
Lotrq chapter 1 . 3/3/2013
Oh my gosh, reading this was like reading a continuation of Sherlock Holmes after Reichenbach. Amazing.
me chapter 35 . 3/3/2013 this the end? I remembered a time when you mentioned that you liked happy endings, which was good news for me. This chapter seems pretty final, and bittersweet.
Anyway, I REALLY hope this fic will continue. Even though this is the first fanfiction of the original Sherlock Holmes stories that I've read, I have a feeling that it will remain my favorite. This story is so in-character that you've convinced me this is how a romance between the two would play out if it were canon. This is just a beautiful, beautiful fic.
gilzgal chapter 35 . 12/29/2012
I have just read this all in one go and I have to commend you on such a wonderfully imagined, detailed and totally IC story. I've gone from tears to happiness and back to tears again.
I hope this is not the end of this impressive epic.
Thank you for sharing your incredible talent.
ShiftingWinds125 chapter 35 . 10/12/2012
XD This chapter was amazing and beautifully written with a lot of my favorite lines by the Bard himself! XD Finally we find out who the killer of Sherlock's sister is! _ I like that she wasn't murdered and that it was an accident!
I can't wait for more!
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