Reviews for Black Truth
NimonaRules chapter 42 . 9/22
I loved this! Thank you for deciding to continue the story, you know we readers are grateful to you for that. This was a beautiful story with lots of amazing buildings on Rowling's world in the scientific and cultural areas, and it would be a crime if you didn't write again at least once in a while! Hugs!
joanneadamson1 chapter 42 . 5/6
amazing book
Guest chapter 1 . 4/21
mworth1019 chapter 42 . 4/8
GREAT STORY! Loved this
Sommie chapter 42 . 3/25
I just want to say that this was one of the first fanfictions I ever read many years and years ago back on Wattpad. When I got into the hobby of bookbinding, I knew this was the first book I would ever bind because I just needed a physical copy for myself. I always recommend this fic to anyone I know who likes Drarry. I am always amused by how in-character your characters are. This fanfic will always have the most special place in my heart!
Guest chapter 22 . 3/2
In reference to the last seen.

My brain went: and one day the seat known as Draco's lape will be taken too.

And I don’t know why, but I hade to share.
Guest chapter 21 . 2/25
I love your story.

But as a mythology nerd I need to point out that you called Athena a Roman goddess, she is Greek. If you want to still use Rome her Roman equivalent is Minerva( Though this version of the goddess is stripped of her whore attribute.)

Again love this story I just hade to point this out.
KodiakCo chapter 42 . 1/12
So cute!
Guest chapter 42 . 11/2/2023
Well, I guess this is a count that you don't use anymore, cause this is a old fic. But I wanna say that I'm gonna make a traduction to spanish of this fic, maybe you never gonna see this, but i wish comment this even with that, if you see this and you don't want the traduction, just make me know, I swear I'm gonna delete the fic in that case. I love this fic and wish that others know this work
Subidu chapter 42 . 9/11/2023
Thank you so much for your time and inspiration 3 I really enjoyed reading your story. The black wing idea was very creative, the backround story as well. Concratulations!
Guest chapter 3 . 5/30/2023
I'm really liking this fanfic so far! :)
Guest chapter 42 . 4/16/2023
Loved it
Melly chapter 1 . 3/23/2023
Hey Lovely, I absolutely love your work! I have been obsessed with this story ever since I first read it! I wanted to ask if you would ever consider uploading it to Ao3? I mostly read there now and I would be absolutely estatic to be able to follow you there aswell!
I hope you have a wonderfull day! 3
LaurieLyd chapter 42 . 1/19/2023
I have decided that you are an evil evil person who I absolutely love and I'm going to go read all the other stuff you wrote because not only did I cry for most of the last I don't know five chapters I laughed at the end because of the Twins and Ron and Hermione's child. You are a phenomenal writer. I have to be careful when I read your stuff though because I was supposed to leave my house 5 hours ago and the only thing I've been doing for those five hours is reading this story. Thank you for sharing this
SunPho3n1x chapter 41 . 1/19/2023
Such a wonderful story! I love this every time I read it. Thank you for writing this!
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