Reviews for What Better Use For Your Millennium Item?
Ryoji Mochizuki chapter 11 . 9/3/2017
Izaranna chapter 11 . 4/8/2016
This was absolutely, utterly, completely BRILLIANT!
Guest chapter 1 . 10/20/2015
I like the way Ishizu thinks! XDD
AmethystUnarmed chapter 11 . 6/7/2015
This is super cute and superbly written! Great job!
Wynter Spite chapter 11 . 4/24/2015
Oh, my gosh, this is just . . . perfect. Not to mention hilarious! I could not stop grinning throughout it all. Seriously, you rock, boulder, and mountain. I'm pretty sure I love you.
Seqka711 chapter 11 . 3/23/2013
One look at the summary, and I knew I'd love this! The pairings and the events were so wonderfully funny and perfect!
Hikari-Tenshi-Yuri chapter 11 . 5/14/2012
x ForgetMeNot chapter 11 . 1/31/2012
Great story. It was so funny that I laughed out loud while reading it during class haha
TexasDreamer01 chapter 11 . 10/22/2011
Ishizu is awesome (though maybe she should take up Shadi's offer of getting a boyfriend to keep herself busy...).

ILoveChocolate14 chapter 11 . 10/9/2011
Awesome! Please write more!
Rehema chapter 1 . 7/2/2011
You're cracked. Mad. Madwoman. MAD! Mad as a hatter! :D!

I'm so glad you put those warnings at the beginning. :) It establishes the following attitude with the reader: "Yes, I am a capable writer who is quite familiar with the characterizations of the... well, characters. However, I have purposely written the characters OOC for the sake of humor in this story." Thanks!

Good to hear you're not a Tea-hater. :)
Rehema chapter 5 . 7/1/2011
Lol. L-O-freaking-L. Okay, so I didn't laugh aloud, but it was still pretty funny. Especially at the beginning, w/ Ishizu & Shadi. :P
Rehema chapter 1 . 6/30/2011
You're cracked. Mad. Madwoman. MAD! Mad as a hatter! :D!

I'm so glad you put those warnings at the beginning. :) It establishes the following attitude with the reader: "Yes, I am a capable writer who is quite familiar with the characterizations of the... well, characters. However, I have purposely written the characters OOC for the sake of humor in this story." Thanks!

Good to hear you're not a Tea-hater. :)
ReviewerUnknown chapter 11 . 6/4/2011
kagura92 chapter 11 . 11/15/2010
This was quite funny.

I adored how protective the Yami's and Kaiba were of their Hikari's and Joey. Very cute.

I usually hate humour stories, because they are unbelievably OOC and annoying with no plots. I think there was only 1 I came across that had me laughing because it wasn't "idiotic" humor, but silly with some in character moments. And it was incomplete!

This was very like it. They characters were OOC but IC at the same time, and I suppose thats the only way to make these stories very funny. And it was complete! ;D

Sorry I'm so lazy to review all the chaps, its really late and i'm nackard! *yawns*

I loved chapter one, all of it really, great intro. I wasn't a fan of chapter 2, not much humour there for me and I generally hate when characters discuss cooking in a fic, just one of tose little things that annoys me (its the same with Christmas fics when they talk about putting up decorations, ah booring!) lol.

In chapter 3 I liked Bakura shouting at the wall, Yami imagining Yugi in tight clothes, both of them looking at each other in the screen (so cute!), and defo the last little paragraph of the chapter with Bakura, loved it! Ah damn there were a good few others in the fic that I loved, erm Yugi frozen, the couples and the arguments, the couples and their fluffy moments, and finally the couples actually becoming couples :D Oh and Ishizua and Shaadi arriving back home all wet cos of the tidal wave haha!

Anyways, I liked this fic, but just giving my opinion here, I didn't like it enough to favourite it, cos i'm more of a 'romance consumes 90% of the story' kinda gal. Hope you don't take any offence to that :P. Well cheerio, and keep up the good work. You are one of the rare authors who manage to actually keep the characters in character even in these types of fics! haha
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