Reviews for Diary of a Red Head
Diana chapter 17 . 1/1/2023
I genuinely loved this story. Thank you for thinking of this idea and making it come to life!
Elena Parker chapter 2 . 8/25/2022
This is so Hilleryos
Elena Parker chapter 1 . 8/25/2022
This book is really amazing but wone thing isnt right. Ginny is not overaged and shes not alloud to use Magic in the Summer Holidays! Otherwize really amazing book! Sorry that my Englisch is so bad!
Guest chapter 17 . 5/9/2022
This was so fun to read. Thanks for sharing it
QueenStormySkies chapter 17 . 1/16/2022
I love this so much! V. funny.
Thanks for writing!
- Queen Of Stormy Skies
Seraphina Silver chapter 17 . 11/29/2021
You are a genius!

A thoroughly satisfied reader

P. S. I would've corrected my own spelling but am too lazy to drag the mouse there so here it is - Signed, not Digned
Seraphina Silver chapter 6 . 11/29/2021
You really are evil, aren't you?

P. S. Nicking Draco's smirk? "Snape Minerva"? This just keeps getting better!
Seraphina Silver chapter 2 . 11/29/2021
I actually did almost die of laughter. Poor Ginny! This is HILARIOUS! I want to see a movie made on this. And bloody hell, Ginny and... Draco? Or worse, Snape? That was ingenious.

And I'm actually reading this fic in the middle of someone's birthday party, someone was just reciting a poem, I burst into laughter at that "I love you Snivellus" line and now everyone's looking at me like I'm demented. Ginny and I are sisters!
Anony Mous chapter 17 . 9/9/2021
You had 999 reviews so I thought I should just as well add another so you can brag it off to your friends :P
I loved the story? fic. Yeah, I loved this fic. I have written a diary of GInny too. Will you read it? Tell me what you think


PS I couldn't stop smiling while reading this. AT. ALL.
Guest chapter 2 . 9/5/2021
Ooo i died!
tramanh.tranngoc08 chapter 1 . 8/28/2021
Hello author, I am an online translator from Vietnam. I read your Harry Potter fanfic, and I really enjoyed it. The work is very impressive, really wonderful and lovely. I hope you can allow me to translate this series of yours into Vietnamese. I will fully credit the source and annotate, and absolutely do not infringe on the copyright of the work. If you're upset about this, I profusely apologize.
Your work is very good and I am really impressed with it so it will be a pity if a large number of Harry Potter fans in Vietnam cannot read this wonderful work. Thank you for reading this far, have a nice and peaceful day.
p.s: This is my contact email:
tramanh.tranngoc08 chapter 17 . 8/27/2021
Hello author, I am an online translator from Vietnam. I read your Harry Potter fanfic, and I really enjoyed it. The work is very impressive, really wonderful and lovely. I hope you can allow me to translate this series of yours into Vietnamese. I will fully credit the source and annotate, and absolutely do not infringe on the copyright of the work. If you're upset about this, I profusely apologize.
Your work is very good and I am really impressed with it so it will be a pity if a large number of Harry Potter fans in Vietnam cannot read this wonderful work. Thank you for reading this far, have a nice and peaceful day.
p.s: This is my contact email:
Harmione chapter 14 . 8/5/2021
Wait WHAT?
Guest chapter 17 . 6/4/2021
Aaaaahhhh ! What a good fluffy story and also a site to let us known about all the stupid and fun things Ginny did
Cute -hinny chapter 10 . 6/4/2021
Oh , let's see what will happen next , so excited
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