Reviews for The Moebius Arc
Kitty-Chan UchiNaru no Miko chapter 5 . 3/21/2013
I remember reading the premise for this a few years ago & found myself absolutely fascinated. Do you ever think you will continue? I would love it if you did.
Paige Dayspring chapter 5 . 6/6/2003
Omg, you know the sad thing? So many mothers feel this way, they truly do. But since this is a comic book, please have someone save Katya. Please.
Paige Dayspring chapter 2 . 6/6/2003
A truly rare insight into Mystique. Wonderful, eerie, sad...all the good stuff I'm used to reading in your stuff
ty chapter 5 . 6/10/2001
Wow. I'm... stunned. This is the best thing I've ever read about Pryde. You made me pity her because of how things turned out for her. This whole arc is going to be amazing, I can tell. I hope you continue.
Jean1 chapter 1 . 1/3/2001
This story is stunning and powerful and heartrending. The feeling of being trapped by nothing and everything permeated each sentence and the reader could feel the desperation. I can see Kitty ending up like this in this relationship - unhappy and felling unhelped though it was not done on purpose but just because of the personalities involved. Incredible. This was the best and most believable of the series so far.
Jean1 chapter 1 . 1/3/2001
I really like the last story in this arc and this one is good but it's not about Kitty unfortunately. It's about Magneto and just having two people take the extreme opposite sides on judging him when in reality they are both wrong and it's somewhere in the middle. While interesting - any characters could have been used for the discussion and it really never gets into other deeper issues Kitty and Wolverine could have but makes up a new one so Magneto can be the focus. Not that Magneto is a bad focus, there is just so much more to do with a story about Kitty and Wolverine's personal issues. Very well written though and some very extreme opposite points of view.
trepidatingboarfetus chapter 1 . 1/1/2001
Please write more. Kat