Reviews for Hope Springs Eternal: A Subterranean Romance
Generator X chapter 8 . 10/6/2016
A casual alliance between demons and kings... Sounds like Donald Trump's campaign Bada bing! (Yes I know it's a cheap shot but what can I say? The man's comedy gold)
Generator X chapter 2 . 10/5/2016
for the record it's been shown that both in the movie and in the series that the fates are not absolutely all-knowing, at least, not where gods are concerned.
Guest chapter 22 . 9/20/2016
hi you're amazing and deserve to know that
Agent T.U.N.D.R.A chapter 22 . 9/3/2016
i think this story was tremendously good
Mystique84 chapter 16 . 6/13/2016
OMG THE DRAMA IN THIS CHAPTER HAD ME ON MY TOES! I read so fast I was skipping lines, but will True Love win (of course it will but you know...DRAMA)
Mystique84 chapter 10 . 6/13/2016
This story got INFINITY cuter with this chapter. OMG, so cute like I was always rooting for these guys but now it got like freaking Disney adorable
Mystique84 chapter 1 . 6/12/2016
Chapter 1...already in love!
Wense chapter 15 . 5/9/2016
Omg PLEASE DONT LET HER DRINK THAT BOTTLE! Incredible plot twist and I cant believe how perfectly you captured Hades personnality. The moments when he summarizes the last 9 days and when he said he would worship Persephone as soon as there is a temple dedicated to her were just PERFECT! The matching towels really made me laugh too. You are an AWESOME author, never forget that.
sparrow633 chapter 1 . 3/26/2016
Hello, I was searching recently for any stories that where related with the Disney version of Hades and that somewhat followed the real myth and his love. I 've read quite some stories from other authors but I wasn't feeling quite satisfied, I wanted more and as I kept searching I stumbled upon your story. The moment that I began reading this story I was immediately in love! I would of never thought of what would of happend after the events of Hades unleashing the titans and if he would ever escape the river he was cast into by Hercules. This story really blew my mind! I am baffled! This story was extremely well written and detailed that I could clearly see it in my mind like if I were watching the second movie of Hercules well it wouldn't be named Hercules anymore since this story focused on Hades and Persephone but still what the hell haha. I don't know if it's possible but if you ever publish this story and sell copies of it pleaseee let me know I would really like to buy one that's how much I really loved this work! Thank you for stopping by to read this message and you're one hell of a writter! :D
Wense chapter 13 . 3/6/2016
You certainly know how to make my eyes wet. That moment when Persephone restored his aura... Sweet beyond words! Thank you so much for this! I'm so glad Hades found the happiness he deserves :')
Wense chapter 12 . 3/5/2016
Ok, I take back what I said in my last review: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING THIS SCENE BETWEEN LEUKE AND HADES! :D That nymph is a saint, I'm SO GLAD she made Hades forgive himself! And when he confessed he was still feeling guilty about not being at Leuke's side when she died and deniying his feelings for Persephone because he was afraid to suffer if he loved again... OTP. Oh. The. PAIN! I had tears in my eyes. Hades! My poor baby! I so badly wanted to hold him to me, kissing every inch of his face when crying my eyes out. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR GIVING HADES AND PERSEPHONE THEIR HAPPY ENDING! :'D
Wense chapter 11 . 3/5/2016
NOOOOO! Everything was PERFECT! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO THEM?! I had tears in my eyes from how endearing and adorable and perfect their first time had been and the sweetness of their declarations... And now you're bringing back Leuke? NO WAY! And why was he so troubled and depressed in the morning? He is with his beloved and they love each other more than anyone has ever loved! The first kiss was amazing as well as what follows ( but a bit more description would be really nice next time ;) ) I understand that bringing back Leuke is an incredible plot twist that will make this story even more dramatic and interesting, but still, my heart is still crying in agony...
Wense chapter 3 . 2/22/2016
Omg I just love your style of writing and Styx collaborating with the Fates! Pain and Panic are also hilarious. Keep going like that! :)
Carlisle Fan 22 chapter 19 . 12/10/2015
Wow this was such an incredible story. Excellent work on this. I LOVED every second of it. I think that whenever I watch the movie Hercules, I will come straight to this story and read it.
Carlisle Fan 22 chapter 4 . 12/8/2015
Cool I love this girl. Oh yeah I can see where Cupid's head is heading. He's right, those two need each other.
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