Reviews for The Other Half
Maaya lazy chapter 1 . 7/21/2004
Whee! Check it out! The not-addicted-to-PoT one read this! And I totally loved it, too! So now I get to compulsively check back here all the time, and curse you for getting me addicted to a fic from a fandom I don't know (the second one to do so, the first being Tam). MORE!
tezuka eiri chapter 1 . 7/18/2004
i do hope that for Oishi this is not just a dream but a dream of his that will be real.
Khamul chapter 1 . 7/18/2004
Yay, GP-fluffiness. \/ There's never too much of that. The end though, it surprised me. Definitely didn't see that one coming.

Characters were nicely IC, too. Nice writing style.

Keep up the good work, and update soon!
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