Reviews for The Snotzenexer Trilogy
Per ardua ad astra chapter 1 . 7/3/2020
Amazing! Simply magnificent!
annonymous chapter 3 . 12/18/2011
this is amazing, I can't believe how well every single pieces of the plot all fall together perfectly. Like how everything

snotzenexer does works out and how the Rebels were able to dig up every piece of evidence against Snot. You are an amazing author.

When are you going to get a published book. You could probably get this trilogy published if you wanted.
Atlasina7 chapter 1 . 1/2/2011
I am so happy to have found your story! I especially enjoy a novel-lengh story when it is well-written, has a good plot and good characterization. This story has all that & good OCs. I feel that sometimes authors are so enamored with their own OCs that they forget the actual SW characters. I think you did a fairly good job of balancing the OCs written to give the story & plot the detail needed, but giving our favorite characters the time they deserve. The only negative comment I have is all the mixed up homophones in the chapter.

I hoping that Our Gang can come back in the upcoming chapters & not be continually out-foxed by Snotzenexer.
zipfe chapter 3 . 2/7/2010
great story. took me a while to read it but it was so worth it. it was damn well written and the plot was great, too. definitely one of the best stories on this site. you should've built more chapters in though. It's a little bit hard to read this way, but once you start it you can't put it away.

great job mate
Frank chapter 1 . 6/8/2005
I love this idea, an imp who isn't crazy, really evil and actually uses a non-military stratagy to control the galaxy. Snotzenexer is a cool character, I hope he doesn't die.
Windaria chapter 3 . 4/2/2005
I must admit that I am utterly dumbfounded that so few have rated this story as this is, by far, the best one that I have read thus far on this site, hands down, no questions asked. I mean, wow... and so long too, enough to enjoy for some time.

That said, I am surprised that anyone would have questioned it, for example... "your force users did not occupy the role they should have", or something like that... are we forgetting that, given this timeline and what has happened, that there are very few and that the academy is basically starting from scratch? As a result you have a lot of people with TONS of power and very little guidance, as Luke tries to kick it off with a bang and... yes, you will be lacking in quite a bit of discipline. I thought that everything was put together EXCELLENTLY well, all things considered.

Anyway... this is a MUST read for anyone who is even a mild fan, but start with the Dark Ring first... which I didn't do and will now be going to read. Darn it.
Daniel chapter 3 . 10/18/2004
Some well thought out characters and a very good plotline. You're actually better then any number Eu-auhtors I can mention, except Timothy Zahn, in my book anyway. However, I need to critisize, because I'm disappointed too. None of the jedi or any other force user captured me at all. In fact all of your force user did not play the role they should have.

The force is a difficult subject and so is emotions, therefore you failed terribly. Perhaps you underestimate feelings and perhaps you also underestimate philosophy. Eran is a disaster in the making, never love a character so much that you let it shine through in the first scene.
Illidan chapter 3 . 3/1/2004
Awesome job. I enjoy novel-length works.. Especially since there are so few of them. Just awesome.
Bjrn Fallqvist chapter 3 . 2/28/2004
You are bloody insane...just thought I'd just checked through quickly so far...not really read anything, but I definitely will!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 10/17/2002
Anonymous chapter 1 . 10/17/2002
FireBlade chapter 3 . 3/15/2002
You know despite having actually printing this off I have never actually comented on it. So here is what I have to say on it.

The plot has great imagination and many wonderful twists. The writing skill beats most of the "prefessional" writers.

You obviously put alot of thought into it because the way you had Snotzenexer (you're right it is a fun word) dismantle the New Republic and turn it into the perfect empire and then how the rebels (especially Thomas) took down the Empire.

I thought the ending was great without the usual "happily ever after" ending. The events or the story would have had affects had it happened in real life and the ending in this was plausible.
Elwyn chapter 1 . 4/14/2001
Hey! A place to comment on the Snotzenexer trilogy!

I read it at .com and absolutely LOVED all three of them ( everything else you've written). WOW! How can you possibly juggle so many characters, details, places, plotlines ... they were stupendous! I was checking every day for months waiting for the final installment ...

Hey, everybody out there who likes Star Wars & reading - READ THESE! It's totally worth it!
Arielle chapter 3 . 2/7/2001
Wow! What an awesome story! It took me awhile to get through the whole thing, and now that I've finished it I'm glad I stuck it out. It really is quite an amazing story. Thanks for writing it Dave you are truly talented!
Jjanda Solo chapter 3 . 2/6/2001
Excellent! If you like Thrawn (or even if you don't) you will LOVE Snotzenexer. On a scale of PROFESSIONAL Star Wars novels from 1-10, this gets an 11, on a bad day. This story is required reading material. I know it looks really long, but once you get started you'll find yourself completely absorbed, if for no other reason than to find out how all the incredible plot twists are resolved, and they all are, amazingly. This is fan fiction taken to the level of art.