Reviews for Ranma, the Second Time Around
Rose1948 chapter 93 . 8/18/2023
I've had so much fun reading your story! It wasn't boring, it led me to places I hadn't been, it let me giggle, shake my head, and sigh wistfully. I do hope that one day you can finish it. Take care, m'dear.
ShampooLoveAiren2346 chapter 1 . 2/3/2023
Ranma belong with shampoo! Not stupid tomboy! Hmph!
The Fox Sage chapter 71 . 8/22/2022
oh for fucks sake souta sucks man,hes awful. dude has been kinda a handsy jackass in 4 different relationships, this souta x nabiki shit sucks
The Fox Sage chapter 70 . 8/22/2022
gross more souta
The Fox Sage chapter 69 . 8/22/2022
yes souta can go by by lol
The Fox Sage chapter 69 . 8/22/2022
id much rather nabiki date ryu
The Fox Sage chapter 68 . 8/22/2022
oh gross man I really hate the souta nabiki ship,dude is honestly such a douche
The Fox Sage chapter 68 . 8/22/2022
why wouldn't ranma want the yama sen ken scrolls himself
The Fox Sage chapter 67 . 8/22/2022
ok Im really not a fan of the nabiki souta ship,kinda hope they dont get back together
The Fox Sage chapter 66 . 8/22/2022
aw dope nabiki is gonna do better then souta
The Fox Sage chapter 66 . 8/22/2022
word even 6 guys wouldn't leave a scratch on herb arc ranma and akane together
The Fox Sage chapter 65 . 8/22/2022
oh come on even 3 guys wouldn't slow down soun even if he is the weakest true practitioner of the anything goes art,happosai was able to go right back to full strength after 20 years in a cave,even if soun doesn't train anymore I doubt hed get nicked fighting 3 armed assailants
The Fox Sage chapter 65 . 8/22/2022
ok that setup for sato was abit on the nose
The Fox Sage chapter 64 . 8/22/2022
Im glad to see more of Soun
The Fox Sage chapter 63 . 8/22/2022
and to ship soun aswell with this lady is weird
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