Reviews for The Return
Constructor chapter 5 . 2/28/2005
Wow, really good fic. Now a days, it's hard to find decent DNA fics. Thanks for saving me from a bad fic. Update soon
Stranger Danger Alert chapter 5 . 2/27/2005
I really like your story. _
Naosuke chapter 4 . 1/6/2005
Oh my God! That was great you definetly need to continue! I was laughing my head off! *still laughing* It was really good if i rated it on a scale 1-10 id give it an 15 - so please continue!
Creamy Mimi chapter 4 . 12/27/2004
*dies laughing* kyuu?
Enuwey chapter 4 . 12/17/2004
next chapty please:).

a very humorus story you have writen i am realy looking forward to the next instalment(sp?) of your story and would like to thank you for writeing such a grate story and would hope you let it keep on geting funnyer(sp?)

Wings chapter 3 . 8/23/2004
WoW! im new 2 , but i found that your story was really interesting. you have come up with an different storyline to all the others that i've seen. please continue and i cant wait for the nxt chap!

also, thank you for not making this a shounen-ai _
littleone27 chapter 2 . 8/20/2004
Please continue! It seems quite interesting the way things are going. -
Clarence Hikari chapter 2 . 8/10/2004
Interesting story. Can't wait for the next chapter.
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