Reviews for The Journey After |
Joachim 7 chapter 2 . 8/21/2004 The Lloyd/Sheena pairing is incredibly, whatever. You did good grasshopper. I shall now go kill something. |
ColdasIce7 chapter 1 . 8/21/2004 hey- i like it so far not crazy about the pairing but i guess they could is the first Lloyd/Sheena fic i actually like. please write more! keep it up xO- ColdasIce7 |
Cole-san chapter 3 . 8/20/2004 I really like this story. Lloyd and Sheena seem very much IC and I kind of like how Seles is a villain, as she annoyed me in the game. One thing I have to suggest though is that you set it to where you can accept anonymous reviews, as you'd probably get a lot more that way. Anyway, looking forward to more. |
Destiny's Light chapter 3 . 8/20/2004 Very good so far. I really enjoyed it. The action may be fast-paced, but good. Hmm, maybe the next chapter can be a bit longer? I'm not complaining, I can't wait to find out more. Do continue. |
Cyberweasel89 chapter 3 . 8/20/2004 Third. Best. Fic. Evar. I give it 8 outta ten. Part of the reason this is good is that I love SheenaxLloyd fics. I just hate any other fic. It's weird. I'd tell you how to improve your fanfic, but then I'd come off as a perverted sicko. _ |
chaosHL chapter 3 . 8/20/2004 Pretty good. Lloyd/Sheena rules, but afew things. 1)Sylvarant and Tethe' alla became the same planet at the end. 2)The reason Mithos appeared after the relesing of Origin was because of Genis, how he brought Mithos ExSphere thingy with him. |
royjoy chapter 3 . 8/20/2004 Great story! You ceirtainly are a talented writer. Keep it up! |
Shadow Fox 05 chapter 2 . 8/15/2004 omg nice cliffy update soon this good |
Hikaru Irving chapter 2 . 8/12/2004 I KNEW SELES WAS NO GOOD! okay, i'll stop. Great Second chapter. I'm still working on mine, though . . .school's starting to take up all my time. . .*sob* but great story anyway! |
x.Janele.x chapter 2 . 8/12/2004 OMFG! You are going to kill me! Update really really really soon, I must know what happens... Sheena/Lloyd is a great pairing, she's my favorite girl in the game. Update really soon or I'll die waiting! Update, update, update... |
Quill of Dreams chapter 1 . 8/10/2004 w00t! Lloyd x Sheena! You have made my day. :3 More! |
Akar chapter 2 . 8/10/2004 Never liked Seles. T.T; Anyway, great story. Please continue soon. You update pretty fast, eh? I couldn't review yesterday. |
Sining chapter 2 . 8/10/2004 Ah...a Lloyd x Sheena fic, my fave couple in the game. I see you used what happens in their Heimdall scene for the starting of your fic. Interesting, but i'm still waiting for the story AS WELL as the romance to develop. Not bad but needs more |
SteveMcNormalguy chapter 1 . 8/10/2004 Pretty good in following the story, but Colette goes with Lloyd. But...then again, it is a fan fiction, so facts can be bent slightly, anyway, good job so far. |
Hikaru Irving chapter 1 . 8/10/2004 Aww. . .so cute! Colette isn't stupid or anything. . .but i still like the Sheena/Lloyd pairing. Please write more asap! if you don't, I'll unleash my SQUIRRLEY WRATH! BTW, could you read my story? It's called, "Lloyd's Bloody Path." I'll put you on my favorite authors list if you read and review it! |