Reviews for Novea |
X-parrot chapter 1 . 10/9/2001 so sweet, though poor Heero...still, lovely 3x4... |
Elusion chapter 1 . 7/20/2001 ... I'm in stunned silence. That was one of the most powerful and thought provoking pieces of literature I've had the pleasure to read. |
xCrushx chapter 1 . 6/3/2001 im confused... |
10000PoisonedKisses chapter 1 . 6/2/2001 that was a realy realy sad good fic. poor he-chan. *sniff* realy great. it's going on my favs. |
Blacknoise chapter 1 . 5/28/2001 Wow. Love the prose, very interesting story. Never would have imagined Heero regressing like that. Very informed, literate pov. (You wouldn't believe some of the cr*p I was reading before this.) Very refreshing. (where's Wufei, though!) Suffice to say, I loved this. keep it up. |
shininomiko1 chapter 1 . 5/5/2001 Wow... This is a really interesting idea, physchologically. Just a really fascinaying story... Good job! |
sandrock chapter 1 . 4/20/2001 That was unbelievlably awesome. I really like this one.../_ |
vulgar shudder chapter 1 . 4/20/2001 I can't really add much intelligent comment to this fic...all I can say is that I'm totally amazed at what I've just read. |
Davis Heero's girl chapter 1 . 4/10/2001 ;_; very sad. Poor Heero. And Quatre, and Trowa. And Duo, and just them all. But mainly Heero. :( I feel like crying now. How could you do that to my Heero? ;_; Oh well it your fic ::sobs:: But this fic wasn't that but, though I didn't like it that much cause of what you did to my Heero. ::sniffs:: |
Katie chapter 1 . 2/18/2001 First serious fic that I have read putting Heero in an instatution. Very well done. I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was also very realistic, once again: Good job. |
swythangel chapter 1 . 2/7/2001 i am depressed by the fic which means its effective and actually very good *sigh* |
Euterpe1014 chapter 1 . 2/4/2001 wow what an experience- this was just so engaging and deep, i am very impressed...nice job dealing with trowa's insecurities and heero's breakdown- and i loved the symbolism! the ending was simply beautiful, i read it over again...i hope you write many more stories... |
Nevah chapter 1 . 2/4/2001 Very cool story... intelligent and engaging. Interesting take on what happens to Heero after the war. And being the Trowa fan that I am, I really like what you did with him. Be sure to write more like it... :) |
MiniMalfoy101 chapter 1 . 2/4/2001 This was a brilliant story. It was a great theory about what would happen to Heero after the war. I'm glad to have read it. |
Masamune Reforged chapter 1 . 2/4/2001 Bravo! Very very well done! Yaoi and Tons of angst, that earns you brownie points. Your writing style is very good. Lots of description and a very good plot to boot. I love the way you showed Trowa's feelings too. |