Reviews for Wonderwall
TimeRose chapter 12 . 5/16/2021
Really love this story
JusticeNotRevenge chapter 1 . 4/26/2018
It has been years! I love this amazing story and it was last updated in 2007 while now it's more than 10 years later...
nooneincyberspacewillfindmenow chapter 12 . 6/11/2016
Okay, so I love this story. The playful relationship between Jean and Warren is funny and delightful to read. I have only one complaint. It hasn't been updated in 9 years! Seriously, that's like more than half my age! I hope you guys come out with another chapter soon. Until then, I guess I'll be waiting in tortured suspence. :)
VeryImprobable chapter 12 . 4/15/2008
I cannot fully describe my utter joy and excitement as I was in the mood to read one of my favorite fanfictions ever, and found, lo and behold, a NEW CHAPTER! PLEASE, PLEASE update! I'm begging you! It's almost been a year! I don't think I can take the suspense!
Nari-Lomiel chapter 12 . 12/20/2007
love this story. Don't know if you plan on continuing it but its brilliant all the same

strayphoenix chapter 12 . 9/29/2007
THEY LIVE! Thank goodness, you've had me in suspense for TWO FREAKING YEARS! But, really, glad your back. And great job!

furygrrl chapter 12 . 9/21/2007
I don't get a chance to read fanfics as often as I'd like lately (stupid real life, always interfering...) but I had a hankering to reread this one today, and - lo and behold - I discover a new chapter I'd somehow missed! A really *wonderful* new chapter! What an absolute treat! :D

I hope you'll find the time to get another one (or two - or three - or TEN!) posted sooner rather than later. Revisiting this excellent fic has definitely left me giddy for MUCH more Jean/Warren deliciousness, to say nothing of the fantastic writing that brings them both to such vibrant life.

You two continue to rock - so keep the updates coming. ;)
AraLuna chapter 12 . 9/2/2007
Hooray! You updated! I have been hoping for several years that your muses would find you again and you'd update this wonderful story. Sorry to have not replied sooner, I have been traveling for several months and have only just seen the email upate in my inbox. Great new chapter, though I'd love a bit more Jean/Warren one on one time. They are so cultured and intelligent, and you both write their repartee so wittily and convincingly. I really do love this story and eagerly look forward to an update.

BabyPrincess chapter 12 . 8/23/2007
I SO LOVE THIS STORY!I can't wait for more!Warren and Jean were always most interesting for me,but I totally love Warren Betsy and Jean Scott.

Your Warren is so adorable!I love him!Bobby and Super chicken made me laugh :)

I'm from Serbia,English is not my native language and it's very late so I can't concentrate on writing now.I just want to say that this story is my favorite,this pairing is my favorite and you two are my favorite writers!

Love ya,all !

Kat chapter 12 . 8/15/2007
Seriously one of the best stories I've read in a long time. No idea how I missed it on this site for so long! Keep up the good work and I can't wait to read the next chapter.
JabberW00kie chapter 12 . 6/15/2007
Yay for the update! I like that you brought Scott into it- it makes the 'She's got a boyfriend' issue much more immediate. Plus the Scott/Warren friendship (or ensuing lack thereof) aspect is getting more attention, which is nice.

But I certainly wouldn't object to more Jean/Warren cuddling... ~.
becca j chapter 4 . 6/12/2007
okay so basically, this story is AMAZING! NO LIE! :) you've done a great job with this story and i'm hoping you update this story and continue to write more because this story truly gives me butterflies in my stomach! :)

Great job, once again! Keep it up please!
tantaloo chapter 12 . 5/29/2007
omg an update. i must say this felt like a filler chapter but i can't wait for the next! yay!
DoubleL27 chapter 12 . 5/6/2007
Oh my goodness, the wingsex is back. You all know how I'm in it for the wingsex. Catching up has been fantastic. To Jean's friend Christy, I would like to say, Scott Summers IS love...just not for Jean all the time. In such a situation, Warren is better suited.

I really enjoyed the Institute visit. Jean may be in denial and Warren as well, but Scott is not as oblivious as people tend to beleive he is. He just gives his acknowledgement selectively. I love Warren's discomfort and Jean's confusion. It's so fantastic. And Bobby and Sam were just fun.

I cannot wait to see how the rest of the story goes.
darling luna chapter 12 . 5/6/2007
oh my god, thats one of th best warren fics I've read. I love warrens inner monologue it's soo funny! I can't wait for the next chap or for Warren and Jean to get together! up date soon:D
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