Reviews for Harry Potter and the New Start
Alif Aain chapter 25 . 1/25
In the first few chapters it said they could apparate to the castle no matter where they were even Hogwarts, so why didnt Sirius apparate out of Grimmald Place?

“Not feeling charitable towards Peter…” you let him get away and Sirius still being a fugitive for something he didnt do. Peter gets away with just burns. I wonder what would happen if you were feeling charitable… give him Merlin First Class?
Alif Aain chapter 22 . 1/25
In the first few chapters it said they could apparate to the castle no matter where they were even Hogwarts, so why didnt Sirius apparate out of Grimmauld Place?
Alif Aain chapter 18 . 1/25
You made the rat get his way when he is nothing. Sirius is strong and more clever and smart yet that rat got the best of him. Smh
Alif Aain chapter 16 . 1/25
What just happened? Now the rat know how to get to them and hell be able to hide in the same castle as them? This story just went down the drain unless something picks it up again. Fingers crossed.
Alif Aain chapter 4 . 1/25
I wss deeading you would name the castle Emeralds…. And you did. Oh well, for me Harry will forever be Prongslet. Sirius called him Prongslet.
renowned-warrior chapter 4 . 9/11/2024
Oh bloody hell! Are you going to keep commenting on people's reviews in every single chapter through out this story?
Guest chapter 26 . 6/22/2023
Wouldn't Remix' super nose have detected and recognized Peter?
Eagle-Eyes chapter 26 . 1/17/2022
Slow moving, but still a great story. Looking forward to more of their adventures

Keep writing as life allows
WeisseHex chapter 3 . 11/16/2021
Awesomeness, a place to stay, and even has house elfs for help and food AND Harry can play with them!
WeisseHex chapter 2 . 11/16/2021
OH no, Arabella saw the Grim! I hope that Sirius will still be able to steal Harry.
Graceluvbug37 chapter 26 . 11/10/2021
So Remus never finds out the truth? It's a bit disappointing..
Guest chapter 4 . 10/26/2021
Hell your damn replies to reviewers takes up more of the page than the story! And calling Harry emeralds...what kind of faggy nickname is that for a boy.
Guest chapter 6 . 5/24/2021
Lol, this "chapter" doesn't even qualify as a chapter.

And if you, reader, are concerned about this story being long because of the word count, don't be - far more of it is taken up with replies to reviews - replies that are written as part of the chapter as writers had to do back then.
neumzie chapter 26 . 2/28/2021
it really does suck that you never got around to writing that sequel (or finishing return of the father.) i'm going through all my old HP favorites because those old AU's and plotlines that were written back when the books were being written just aren't really done anymore and i miss them. however, in going back, it's hard not to notice that many of them really don't age well; that is not the case for your fics and i'm genuinely sad to see there aren't more
HBIC LILY chapter 26 . 11/27/2020
Also this is one of my favorite stories ever! I love the emotions this story made me go though.
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