Reviews for Worth the Trouble
nekodah chapter 5 . 8/28/2004
pretty cool update soon
BlackSamurai chapter 5 . 8/27/2004
Very impressive, I like it a lot.

Your writing style is unique, very casual but limits the slang. A bit like mine but not really. Keep writing and remember, making the audience happy is what counts, not just reviews.

Hope you continue.
Wormkaizer chapter 5 . 8/27/2004
Great job~! I can't wait to see more~! *cheers* Keep up the great job~! *cheers*
Holi chapter 5 . 8/27/2004
O_O *faints* WOW! This is one hot story! I'm absolutly loving it! :3 The characters are soo like themselves that its kinda scary...but it rocks! I can't wait to see what happens next!
Annachan chapter 4 . 8/27/2004
Great. I love this story.

It's unbelievably well-written. You have your own style and your own way of triggering stuffs.

I also appreciate it that you took the time to picture the Shikamaru-Chouji relationship; and believe me, it's totally in the spirit of the manga.

What else can I say? Just keep writing the beautiful way you write.
Annachan chapter 1 . 8/27/2004
-"Being only thirteen, Shikamaru thought girls were especially troublesome, especially Ino, especially right at that moment, but he didn't make any effort to move away and even had the decency to blush as the beating of his heart sped up a little."-

Wonderful. I simply can't believe how you manage to catch such complex emotions in a single sentence.

Amazing. Simply amazing.
RurouniGochan chapter 3 . 8/27/2004
I like this fic! I've gotta come back and read more of it later...
Riye Link Reue chapter 1 . 8/27/2004
This seems reallt interesting, please keep it up.
esther chapter 3 . 8/27/2004

it's about time poor chouji found love! how gorgeous...i think he is cute, but nothing beats shikamaru...sigh...

come on! where's some shikatemari action!

actually i kind of like how your not rushing into the romance headlong yet, makes it more plausible, i think. but hurry up and update! with MUCH longer chapters, damn u!
Xoni Newcomer chapter 3 . 8/27/2004
I've liked everything in this story, from the beginning to the end. The way you portray Shikamaru and Chouji is superb, I can't wait to see how you handle the other characters.
tamakimadness chapter 3 . 8/27/2004
_ wah! cool~
Wormkaizer chapter 3 . 8/26/2004
Great job~! I can't wait to what happens next~! *cheers* Keep up the great job~! *cheers*
HEYUNLOVING chapter 3 . 8/26/2004

I got your e-mail. I will keep reading it and reviewing for that fact. Its really good as I said before and thanks for reading my storys. lol i thought your pen named sounded familar i just wasnt quiet sure. Anyways good chapter I liked it. Update as soon as you can and I'd answer more to that e-mail but i cant seeing as everyone reads this but anyways I'll e-mail you back when I get a chance right now my sisters forcing me off this computer. lol take care and update a.s.a.p! LATER!

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esther chapter 2 . 8/26/2004
thankyou! shikatemari pairing! FINALLY!

well written, i love anything with shikamaru in it, but this is also a good piece of fic.

please please put in a bit of Temari POV that shows that shikamaru is NOT as unattractive as he seems to think he is!

he is so droolworthy, i love him.

once again, good writing, i have no grammatical/spelling/cohesion/plausibility complaints...but oh for the love of heaven, please continue ASAP!

hehehe, am picturing shikamaru with a bad ass temari with him...
HEYUNLOVING chapter 2 . 8/25/2004
-blinks- usually I wouldnt read a shika/temari cause i'm like against it, lol haha i know its stupid but what ever, anyways down to the point, this story it good actully really good i just hm...-scratches head- want Ino with Shika, idk i think Temari is way to much of a push over for Shika but this is your story and no one can tell you what to do but like i said before it REALLY good and coninue a.s.a.p and I'll keep reading cause its good. lol.

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