Reviews for Destiny Prophecies: Sphere and Stone
Ao The Blue Kitsune chapter 25 . 7/5/2006
I luv this story! It where like 3 or 4 days to read it all... but I love it!

I'm amazed at how good you got all the character's personalities. So far only you and another person's story manage to make me think the events could actually happen in the books of HP or the anime serie, and that's cool.

Please write more!
Amandana chapter 25 . 6/14/2006
I think it's been a bit of a long two weeks. hhm. Updaet soon. When is my beloved Yami Malik coming back properly? Why is Malik not a proper main character? Malik and his Yami are my favourite characters! UPDATE SOON :D :D I'll throw knives at you if you don't *knives ready in a pile*
Amandana chapter 17 . 6/12/2006
What was Malik's patronus you never mentioned it and I was wondering? :D :D
Amandana chapter 15 . 6/12/2006
" "Idiot frog..." muttered Bakura incoherently. His words were followed by more incoherent curses.

Marik only snorted. He leaned in towards the tomb keeper's ears.

"You going to do something a bit more to the baka frog?" he whispered deviously. Bakura began to grin.

"Of course," he replied. "Did not the Pharaoh acknowledged her the consequences? It shall be her own doing if she does not believe it."

Marik smiled. "Shall I join?" "

This bit didn't make sense :D
needchocolatenow chapter 25 . 6/8/2006
i rarely review fics since i read so many of them, but you are amongst the few that i will review. (been around for 5 years and only 50 reviews! you're the 51st.) so anyway, this is what i have to say.

oh wow. this is fic is rather intruiging and very much different from all the other harry potter/yu-gi-oh fanfiction that i have read. while the start had been rather rocky and some parts need to be beta-ed, overall, i was drastically interested and i very much could not stop reading.

rather than showing off their powers and their cards, yugi, ryou, and marik try to keep their powers hidden. that's very different, since the other fics of the same genre would have them showing off their powers almost nonstop. being original on this key point was one thing that kept me reading. another point that had kept me reading was the interactions between yugi, yami, bakura, ryou, and marik. though some parts seemed to be a bit out of character, overall, it was very enjoyable and seemed to fit well. i think it may just be because that i really like those characters too. _~ you did a fantastic job on their characterizations.

one more key reason that i just absolutely adore your fic is because you don't center everything around harry. sure, he may be the savior of the wizarding world and everything, but gosh! he gets way too many camios and scenes in some of the crossovers i've read. sure, he's an essential part of the fanfic, but really, he doesn't need to be there for every single chapter/scene! this fic centers a lot more on the YGO characters rather than the HP characters. i absolutely LOVE YOU for doing that. very well done character balance you have in this fic.

overall, i wish you would update again. i know you're busy with school and all, but i really would like this fic to be continued. _ i can't wait to read more and i really am anticipating the next chapter with much eagerness.


fdgadfg chapter 25 . 6/2/2006
UPDATE! PLEASE! at LEAST three chapters by the end of july


email me so that i can tell you ALL about my comments and everything cuz i wanna read more of ur stories!
FireSenshi2 chapter 25 . 5/22/2006
I found you again!

You changed the story title and I lost you! But I'll see that you've noticed that you can't hide all that long!

Now... pretty please with cherries and sugar on top... could I have another chapter to devour? :)
Isis the Sphinx chapter 25 . 5/15/2006
i LIKE! Want more! When R U going to update? It's been...8 MONTHS! Please update soon! Great fic! Keep writing!
KagomeGirl021 chapter 25 . 5/11/2006
wow this just gets more and more interesting with each chapter. i laughed heavily at times as some of the antics between the pharoh and bakura are hilarious and some of the ways they mess around with other characters is so funny and kool. i do hope you update again soon. i wish to see them all become friends and to defeat the badguy! UPDATE AGAIN REAL SOON ONEGAI!
Kayzo chapter 25 . 4/26/2006
r u gonna add any yaoi? i would really injoy some yamiXhikari stuff!
the bird of the chapel chapter 25 . 4/11/2006

It is seemingly similar to White angel Chan's New Students indeed but this definitely takes a different turn. Not only is the story introduced to where it ended (and how you connected them like dots D) is superb. I love how you create dots and some hidden ones then connect them.

It's also excellent in how you write _ so descriptive. Though there are somewhat a number of spelling errors and few grammatical ones, I clearly encourage you to continue.

If you'd like to ask for support then ask supporters like me D so much I'd love to tell you but it's hard to put it in words especially when you spend all night reading this then review it as much as possible when you woke up 6am in the morning xD
Namonaki Pharaoh chapter 24 . 3/23/2006
This is an aweome story please don't let it die! I love the conversations between the yugioh characters- it being, of course, Yami's seriousness with Bakura & Marik's chaos! XD

Okay, please be blunt with me-is this story on hold? T_T
Xuwum chapter 1 . 3/18/2006
This fic is one of the best I've ever read ! I actually never rewieved because I'm french and even if I understand English very well, I'm not as good at writting but perhaps I could have made an effort.

So I wanted to tell you this fic was really good and take your time on it because you should enjoy writting it and not force yourself to write it, especially if it's not for you ! Anyway, Bon courage !

(Hum... Did that make sense ?)
rukisea chapter 1 . 3/6/2006
whoa! this is my 2nd favourite story on the whole site! (the first being indogirl7's hp/ygo fic) you've gotta keep at it! you've got moi support!
Rachel Sedai chapter 25 . 3/5/2006
Yes it's me, and yes, it's my second review of this story. But as I re-read your story, I happened to see your profile. And I had to read a review to say that please, don't give up. I really love this story, and I'm sure everyone else who reads it do too, even if they're too lazy to review. You haven't been getting any flames, have you? 'cause if you have, then I'll find those flamers and fry them 'till theres nothing left. And I'm sorry if you thought my last review was too short or something. I have no excuse. And you know, if people are urging you to uppdate, that means they like the story, right? And if they try to threaten you into doing it, well, then they're just stupid. Not like they can do anything, anyway.

But please don't give up on this. You have one of the only really good hpygo-stories that is uppdated frequently. Or at least, was uppdated frequently. If it helps you any, I'll BETA it for you. Or just offer moral support. I dunno. I'm afraid I can't take it over, simply because I have no chance of reaching your level of creativity or competence. Your fic is a rare pearl in the fanfiction-ocean, no matter how cliche that sounds. But what I'm trying to say is, this story is amazing, and it would really be a shame if it was abandoned.

You shouldn't let yourself be broken just because of some stupid reviewers.

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