Reviews for What be True Love's Price? |
CrazyAlwaysClueNever chapter 13 . 12/30/2004 ok you are evil wonderful ingeious and a dumbass all at once how do you do it? by the way you're the one that said more reveiws means faster update. |
CrazyAlwaysClueNever chapter 14 . 12/30/2004 ok you are evil wonderful ingeious and a dumbass all at once how do you do it? by the way you're the one that said more reveiws means faster update. |
CrazyAlwaysClueNever chapter 15 . 12/30/2004 ok you are evil wonderful ingeious and a dumbass all at once how do you do it? by the way you're the one that said more reveiws means faster update. |
khalek chapter 15 . 12/29/2004 Hi There, I do hope that you are not gonna leave it there are you? They may say that Pete wont get to them but i'm sure that you will find a way for him to get to them, lol. Muhahahahahahaha Looking forward to te next chapter! -Selmak- |
xXxhell's-favourite-angelxXx chapter 15 . 12/29/2004 HEY! it's mee! I GOT BANNED FROM FANFICTION! oh, i was so pissed... anyway, i changed my penname, uploaded a new story, got banned, got a new aim name and a LAPTOP! but i'm not on it rite now. so, how was ur x-mas break? |
Maj.Sam.Carter chapter 15 . 12/25/2004 NO! Dont leave me hanging! Not Fair. Loved loved loved the engagment. so beautiful. I will have to read "Losing Daniel" |
Maj.Sam.Carter chapter 8 . 12/25/2004 wow... Pete is a real b*st*rd. Thanks! :) |
Maj.Sam.Carter chapter 5 . 12/25/2004 omg...omg...omg it's so so so good, and you've got me on the edge of my seat |
Maj.Sam.Carter chapter 3 . 12/25/2004 YES! In your face Pete! sorry... anyway, Kara Marie is the coolest. She's what got Sam to do it. Love the ending :) |
Maj.Sam.Carter chapter 2 . 12/25/2004 Gah! No! Jack can't go! I'm glad this is only chapter two ;) it's so good and I love it. Oh, and the letter was great. It made me go "squee!" inside :) btw, thanks for reading my story! |
millers-rule chapter 15 . 12/20/2004 Hi - Have just found your fic and have read it all the way through non-stop! It's so good - you've captured all the characters so well! I love it - can't wait to see what happens with Stalker Pete - kill him please! Keep writing! I can't wait for the next installment! Gem |
Capt. Mercedes chapter 15 . 12/18/2004 please write more soon! This was a really good story and captured Pete as a nutter quite well! And now Sam and Jack are getting married! Aww! Good job, I commend you for your awesomeness! |
Musings-of-Apathy chapter 15 . 12/17/2004 All hail to persons that will write about at least something in the SJ Ship going right. Really, problems can be external not internal and their relationship need not self destruct. This makes me happy. I hate being depressed. Thanks for writing such a good story for us lurkers. Mike. P.S. I wish that FFN had a read counter. |
Jennifer Carter chapter 15 . 12/17/2004 Ok. Cliffhangers aren't fair. This is great! Keep up the good work! |
CharmedAli chapter 15 . 12/17/2004 indeed, famous last words, keep up the good work, i really like your story |